Category: Palestine Special Report

Unveiling the ‘Al-Aqsa Flood’ Operation

Why Did the Resistance Launch the “Al-Aqsa Flood” Operation?

Why did the resistance initiate the surprise attack on settlements in the “Gaza Envelope” and their military bases? Why did it shift from merely responding to Israeli aggression—bombing the Strip, killing civilians, and destroying buildings—to taking the offensive? What has changed this time?

To understand this shift, we must reflect on the evolution of the resistance and its progression to a more advanced position. These questions, however, are posed not only out of a genuine desire for understanding but also by some with skepticism and doubt—especially those who have succumbed to despair and are bewildered by this bold initiative. These individuals, accustomed to seeing the oppressed humiliated, often amplify their doubts as the battle drags on and the cost in blood rises.

That said, questioning the strategy of the resistance is legitimate, as long as it stems from a supportive stance. However, when such questions are spread by the “defeatists” in society, they become a tool for undermining morale. These voices ask: What is the point of armed incursions into settlements if Gaza is subsequently leveled to the ground? Their question carries an implicit answer: that resistance is futile.

The resistance’s initiative has its own logic. At its core, it remains defensive—defending our existence, which is under direct threat. A closer look at Gaza in the days leading up to the operation reveals a life devoid of dignity. This was a defensive attack to protect over two million people in a besieged Strip barely 360 square kilometers in size, under blockade for more than 16 years. It was a defense of over 14 million Palestinians in the homeland and diaspora who dream of a free and secure homeland, and a defense of more than two billion Arabs and Muslims denied control over their own destiny.

It is worth reiterating a fundamental truth: the absolute legitimacy of resistance to repel harm and uproot occupation. It is unjust to question the oppressed for defending themselves while the occupier is not held accountable for its daily aggression against Palestinians and their holy sites.

Despite this legitimacy, such questions arise in a political climate marked by the erosion of liberation movements, the sidelining of refugees from political discourse, the wasted lives of youth behind walls of despair and neglect, and the temporal division and frequent desecration of Al-Aqsa Mosque. Settlement expansion in the West Bank has effectively become a fully-fledged state. This bleak reality has allowed projects like the “Deal of the Century” and hollow discussions such as the “two-state solution” to take root in people’s minds. Against this backdrop, the October offensive emerged as a beacon of hope. Resistance, like a candle in the dark, illuminates the path forward, making the vision clearer.

In Gaza, specifically, Israel sought to corner the resistance into a narrow fight for basic living needs—permits, goods, foreign aid, electricity, and water. While crucial issues, Israel weaponized them to transform resistance from a tool of liberation into one for “economic improvement,” confining its scope to a few kilometers rather than uniting fragmented geographies.

The resistance’s decision to launch this operation was an attempt to break free from this narrow framework, as was evident during the “Sword of Jerusalem” battle. Today’s operation builds on that precedent. The resistance has not ignored people’s suffering but has used it as a catalyst to expand the political horizon that Israel has sought to constrict for years. The ultimate goal: liberating Al-Aqsa. This is the resistance’s response to calls for “improving conditions”—shifting from lifting the siege to liberating the nation.

The “Sword of Jerusalem” marked a qualitative shift in the rules of engagement. However, the gains made were soon undermined by the dire state of the nation, leaving doubts about our ability to sustain and build on achievements. Meanwhile, Al-Aqsa endured increased incursions, killings and settlements intensified in the West Bank, the siege on Gaza tightened, and individual resistance factions were isolated and targeted. Just when despair seemed to take hold, the “Al-Aqsa Flood” operation emerged—a declaration from Gaza’s fighters to awaken the nation: Liberation is possible.

This operation shattered the myth of Israel’s invincibility, a myth that had long sustained its expansion and domination. After every assassination or mass arrest in the West Bank, we would resign ourselves to the belief that a particular resistance unit was finished. After every individual operation, we assumed the perpetrator would eventually be captured or killed. With each attack and “blowing of the shofar” in Al-Aqsa, we felt we were losing ground. News of Israel controlling every calorie entering Gaza made us view it as an all-encompassing “monster.”

This is how Israel stifled us—by expanding and entrenching its control, building settlements with each crushed dream. Until “Al-Aqsa Flood” came.

Why did we go to battle? For all of this. For every drop of blood shed by martyrs. For the countless dreams buried under the soil or confined behind prison bars. For the deprivation of basic rights—water, electricity, and healthcare. For the impoverished and unemployed. For the woman unable to buy castor oil because it’s deemed a “dual-use” item. For every land stolen before its owner’s helpless eyes. For Al-Aqsa, whose protection is our inherited responsibility. For all the severed connections. All of this—to revive the agenda of liberating Palestine from the river to the sea.

A Lesson in Willpower: Defeating Israel is Possible

The most important takeaway from this operation is the realization that Israel can be defeated. Its foundation—deterrence, fear, dominance, and serving as the region’s enforcer for the U.S.—has been shattered. The moment fighters breached the fortified barrier, they dismantled the very idea of Israel. For hours and days, they liberated occupied lands, but more importantly, they liberated our minds forever.

They captured soldiers, officers, and settlers who will be exchanged for our prisoners. But before that, they freed us from the belief that Israel is indestructible—logically or practically. This “monster” is repeatedly proven to be a mere “illusion of dust,” as one escapee from the Gilboa Tunnel put it.

The operation didn’t end Israel, nor is it fair to expect it to. But it ended the idea of Israel’s invincibility. This does not mean Israel is weak—it remains formidable in military, technological, and economic terms. However, the operation proved that fighting the strong is possible, and with the right conditions, their arrogance can be defeated.

Israel has often won through technology and military might, but its greatest victory has been psychological—instilling fear. This is what the operation broke, and it’s half the battle.

This small but resolute group of fighters carried the burden of the entire Arab and Islamic nation. They demonstrated an irrefutable truth: work driven by willpower builds the path to liberation—not only from the injustices inflicted upon this nation but also from its colonial chains.

Liberating Palestine is no longer a distant dream. This truth, despite its simplicity, was long obscured. Critics of resistance tampered with what little hope remained.

Israel blinded us to our victories. Since the Second Intifada, through various escalations and wars on Gaza, Israel has failed to achieve its objectives while the resistance advanced, often unnoticed.

As Arab and Muslim states normalized relations with Israel, the resistance fighters moved closer to the ultimate dream. Each carried the Qur’an in his heart, reciting its verses of struggle, knowing their personal liberation lay in solving the larger cause. They marched, ascended, and reached their destined place—beyond the barrier.

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National Unity: The Only Path to Confronting Existential Threats to the Palestinian People

The Palestinian people are facing the most critical stage in their history, as they endure a threefold war crime in the Gaza Strip, encompassing ethnic cleansing, collective punishment, and unprecedented genocide. Meanwhile, in the West Bank and Jerusalem, they are subjected to the most extensive campaigns of Judaization, annexation, and unchecked terrorist settlement expansion.

Inside historic Palestine, Palestinian citizens face oppression and racial discrimination, reinforced by an apartheid regime that deepens its racist laws. The ruling Zionist system is becoming increasingly fascist, disregarding all international laws and fundamental human rights. Under the shadow of this fascist Zionism and with the rise of figures like Donald Trump, Palestinians are confronting two grave threats: annexation and Judaization, along with ethnic cleansing in Gaza and the West Bank.

Worsening the situation is the persistent (and even deepening) Palestinian internal division, which has reached the point of irrational and unjustifiable internal conflict, even armed confrontations. The two main causes of this division—disputes over the political program and the struggle for power in the occupied territories—no longer hold. The illusion of a middle-ground solution with the Zionist movement has vanished, exposed as a mere tactical maneuver to implement strategic plans of annexation and Judaization. Similarly, the struggle over authority has lost its basis, as the authority in both Gaza and the West Bank now exists without real sovereignty, its remaining elements—like its people—under occupation. Is there any logical reason, then, for this ongoing internal conflict, let alone its escalation to armed confrontations like those seen in Jenin? Is the solution to deepen polarization, launch unjust media campaigns, and embrace the divisive slogan, “Whoever is not fully with me is against me,” while silencing voices calling for wisdom, rationality, and the restoration of lost national unity?

Have we not learned from the 1948 Nakba, when internal divisions and the absence of unified leadership led to the displacement of 70% of the Palestinian population, the destruction of more than 520 villages, and the abandonment of Palestine’s cause by many who betrayed its people’s rights? Why have reconciliation attempts—from Algiers to El Alamein, Moscow, and the Beijing Agreement—failed? These initiatives sought to shift the Palestinian landscape from internal strife to unity and collective action, yet the divisions persist.

There are several explanations for the continuation of the internal Palestinian split. Some cling to remnants of an authority whose powers Israel is systematically stripping away. Others remain attached to the Oslo Accords, which Israel has brazenly violated, dismantling their essence while entrenching settlements and military occupation even in areas designated under Palestinian civil and security control. Still, others fall prey to extreme factionalism, claiming absolute truth while harboring legitimate grievances, particularly those who have borne the brunt of Israeli genocidal crimes. Yet the gravest factor is the erosion of collective national consciousness and the rise of individualism and factionalism at the expense of shared national interests. This loss of unity, historically proven to be the most effective shield against enemies’ schemes, has left the Palestinian cause vulnerable.

History offers valuable lessons. In World War II, Nazi Germany occupied all of France, leading some leaders, like Marshal Pétain, to lose hope and collaborate with the occupiers. However, the French Resistance, uniting diverse political forces under the banner of “Free France,” ultimately liberated their nation. Similarly, Algeria’s revolution against French colonialism succeeded through the unity of its resistance movements. Nelson Mandela and the African National Congress dismantled apartheid in South Africa by uniting their forces against a regime that sought to divide them, even creating self-governing regions to cement its control.

“Divide and rule” has always been the preferred strategy of colonial powers, mastered by the British and adopted by oppressive regimes worldwide. The Zionist movement, and later the Israeli government, has excelled in exploiting this strategy. While moralizing may not be the most effective way to address internal Palestinian challenges, logical and rational arguments leave no doubt that the current state of division is a primary cause of the internal decline. If appeals to higher national interests and warnings of impending dangers are insufficient, perhaps the logical realization that all existing Palestinian political, organizational, and factional structures—and the interests tied to them—will be at risk of annihilation if Israel’s Western-backed plans succeed, will serve as a wake-up call. This shared understanding may inspire collective action to restore unity and halt the bleeding caused by internal strife.

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The Brutal Massacres Committed by the Israeli Occupation Against Patients and Medical Staff at Kamal Adwan Hospital

Kamal Adwan Hospital in Beit Lahiya, northern Gaza, is facing an increasingly deteriorating situation, resembling the tragic fate of the Shifa Medical Complex during the first genocide war. However, Kamal Adwan Hospital’s situation appears even bleaker, as it is subjected to direct attacks amid the ongoing ethnic cleansing and forced displacement in northern Gaza. The Israeli occupation has intensified its strategy to create a military buffer zone through heavy bombing, further exacerbating the suffering of civilians in the area.

The Gaza Ministry of Health has announced that the Israeli occupation forces have ordered the immediate evacuation of Kamal Adwan Hospital. Patients and medical staff were directed to Indonesia Hospital. Exclusive footage aired by Al Jazeera showed women and children crowding the hospital corridors after all departments and rooms were hit by artillery shells and gunfire from surrounding Israeli military vehicles.

These images confirm that Israeli forces directly targeted the hospital, trapping many medical staff and injured patients, including women and children, inside. Other footage showed patients and medical staff seeking refuge in the hospital’s internal corridors due to the continuous bombardment.

Israeli forces also cut off electricity to the hospital by destroying its generators, leading to a power outage. Communication lines with journalists in the Beit Lahiya area were severed. These actions reflect a disturbing pattern followed by the Israeli army in Gaza, especially during an attack on the Shifa Medical Complex in March 2024, where Israeli forces stormed Gaza’s largest medical complex, ordered the evacuation of patients and medical staff, and severed communication lines.

The situation in northern Gaza, particularly around Kamal Adwan Hospital, has become more catastrophic. The Israeli systematic ethnic cleansing campaign has led to the destruction of homes and the displacement of civilians, all in an attempt to establish a buffer zone between Gaza and Israeli settlements.

On the Verge of Collapse
Dr. Hussam Abu Safiah, the director of Kamal Adwan Hospital, reported that Israeli forces directly bombed the hospital without warning. The military forces demanded the hospital’s evacuation within hours. Dr. Abu Safiah held the international community responsible for the crimes committed by the Israeli occupation, noting that the third floor of the hospital was hit by artillery shells, though no casualties were recorded.

The hospital has been unable to provide basic services such as electricity, water, and oxygen due to severe shortages in supplies, despite previous promises. Dr. Abu Safiah also mentioned that the hospital received 70 units of blood from the World Health Organization, while it requires 200 units. Additionally, Israeli forces prevented medical supplies from entering the hospital, hindering the medical staff’s ability to provide necessary care. The shortage of medical equipment, medicines, painkillers, and food poses a severe threat to the lives of the injured and medical staff.

Dr. Abu Safiah called on the international community to intervene urgently and provide essential food supplies to the injured and medical staff working tirelessly under extremely dangerous conditions.

Systematic Attacks
Since the beginning of the Israeli ground invasion in northern Gaza on October 5, 2024, Kamal Adwan Hospital has been repeatedly bombed. On November 24, there were attempts to assassinate Dr. Abu Safiah. Tragically, his son Ibrahim was killed by Israeli sniper fire after Dr. Abu Safiah refused to evacuate the hospital.

On October 28, Israeli forces besieged Kamal Adwan Hospital for five days and arrested 40 doctors and nurses, leaving Dr. Abu Safiah and one pediatrician as the only medical staff at the hospital. The Ministry of Health called for international surgical teams to support the treatment of the wounded and ill. On October 25, Israeli artillery targeted the hospital’s oxygen station, resulting in the death of two children in the intensive care unit. Less than an hour later, Israeli forces stormed the hospital grounds, ordered everyone—patients, relatives, and displaced persons—to leave, and attacked many of them, before completely cutting off communication with the hospital.

On December 19, Israeli forces destroyed surrounding houses with remote-controlled explosives. The explosions caused panic among patients and medical staff, shattering doors and windows and destroying most of the water tanks on the hospital’s roof. A drone attack also injured three medical staff members.
Between December 1 and 12, Israeli forces targeted Kamal Adwan Hospital more than 20 times, injuring medical staff, patients, and their relatives, according to a report by the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor. These systematic attacks on medical facilities and healthcare workers have deepened the humanitarian crisis in northern Gaza, where providing healthcare to tens of thousands of trapped civilians has become exceedingly difficult.

The Ongoing War
On December 17, the United Nations reported that Israel had rejected three humanitarian missions intended to deliver food and water to northern Gaza, highlighting the extreme difficulty in reaching the area. Despite the ongoing hostilities and explosions around Kamal Adwan Hospital, a World Health Organization mission managed to reach the hospital on December 17 after several failed attempts. The mission successfully delivered 5,000 liters of fuel, food, and medicine, and evacuated three patients along with six of their companions to Shifa Hospital.

Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization, stated that the continued attacks have damaged the hospital’s oxygen supplies and generators, further complicating an already overburdened healthcare system. The previous World Health Organization mission to the hospital on November 30 was forced to leave swiftly after delivering supplies due to escalating violence.

Where Is International Law?
Kamal Adwan Hospital is one of the last remaining medical facilities in northern Gaza, and it is on the brink of collapse due to ongoing Israeli military attacks. According to the World Health Organization, the hospital is barely able to provide “minimal” medical services.

International law, particularly the Fourth Geneva Convention and its Additional Protocols of 1977, grants special protection to civilian sites, including hospitals, homes, schools, universities, and places of worship. Under these laws, hospitals are protected from attacks, and any damage inflicted on these sites is considered a violation of international law. The Fourth Geneva Convention also prohibits attacks on civilian hospitals, and targeting medical facilities and personnel is classified as a war crime under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

Despite these laws, the Israeli occupation continues to target medical facilities in Gaza, with full support from the United States. The ongoing genocide war, which began on October 7, 2023, has resulted in over 152,000 casualties, the majority of whom are women and children, and 10,000 people remain missing under rubble and in the streets. Israeli forces have also prevented rescue teams from reaching these victims, leaving Gaza in a state of widespread destruction and suffering.

The international community must intervene urgently to halt these crimes, provide humanitarian aid, and hold Israel accountable for its violations of international law.

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The Martyrdom of Yahya al-Sinwar: A Heavy Loss for the Palestinian People and Resistance

The Martyrdom of Yahya al-Sinwar: A Heavy Loss for the Palestinian People and Resistance
The martyrdom of Yahya al-Sinwar, leader of Hamas, marks a significant and painful loss for the
Palestinian people and the resistance. Al-Sinwar was a founding figure of Hamas and its security
apparatus. He led the al-Qassam Brigades from 2012 to 2017 before taking on the leadership of the
movement in 2017. As the mastermind behind the “Al-Aqsa Flood” operation, he commanded the
struggle with dignity and defiance from October 7th until the end. Before that, he oversaw the planning
of the Great March of Return, reinforcing the steadfastness of the Palestinian cause. Al-Sinwar also
made multiple attempts at achieving Palestinian unity, playing a crucial role in the reconciliation talks
of 2017, meeting regularly with Palestinian leaders and factions in Gaza. Under his leadership, the al-
Qassam Brigades evolved into an offensive force capable of strategic military operations, culminating
in the October 7th operation.

Al-Sinwar was an extraordinary leader, recognized for his bold strategic decisions and hands-on
leadership in large-scale operations. He was ever-present on the frontlines, embodying the spirit of
Sheikh Ahmed Yassin and Abdul Aziz al-Rantisi. He led Hamas with unwavering courage until the
moment of his martyrdom, sealing his remarkable life with an end befitting a leader of his stature.
His martyrdom will not bring satisfaction to Netanyahu; the Israeli leader sought to capture al-Sinwar
to erase the humiliation Israel faced during the “Al-Aqsa Flood” operation. Yet, even in death, al-Sinwar
emerged victorious, ensuring his place among the greatest revolutionary leaders in the history of

When the Eagle Departs and the Flock Remains
Life teaches us that true heroes do not hide in the depths of the earth; their names rise above it, even
after they are gone. Yahya al-Sinwar, Abu Ibrahim, was the courageous eagle who soared high in the
skies of battle, descending to earth only to embrace the flames. He didn’t hide in a fortified command
center far from enemy fire; instead, he placed himself at the heart of the confrontation, just a few
hundred meters from the Philadelphia axis, armed with unyielding determination, leading the battle
like an eagle commands the sky.

What a man he was, leading until his last breath, orchestrating every detail of the fight while breathing
the very air of conflict. Who ordered the rockets that shook Tel Aviv on October 7th? Who is now
commanding the battle in eastern Rafah, Jabaliya, and the north? Who is ensuring the security of
more than 100 Israeli captives in Gaza? Who maintains the stronghold on internal security? And who
sends messages of resilience to the enemy’s captives? These questions resounded in our minds, as if
Yahya al-Sinwar was present in every corner, on every battlefield, leading with a spirit that defied

Al-Sinwar left behind a monumental organizational and military legacy, turning Hamas’s structures
into bastions of resilience and perpetual action. Today, the al-Qassam Brigades’ leadership operates
with full confidence and capability, while Hamas’s political and security apparatus manage all aspects
of life, from politics to social affairs, without any sign of confusion or vacuum. Hamas is no longer
merely a movement; it has become a state amid the storm, and every attempt by the enemy to
dismantle it is met with stronger and more resilient structures than they ever anticipated.
Yahya al-Sinwar was certain of his mission, and his heart was at peace because he had built a solid
foundation—unshakable frameworks and policies driven by a spirit of consensus and unity. Walking his
path, retreat was never in his vocabulary, and abandoning his soldiers in the battlefield was never an
option. He lived in battle, died a warrior, and left behind a thousand leaders ready to carry the banner
with fearless hearts.

With al-Sinwar’s martyrdom, we say with full certainty: Gaza will not be left alone.
A thousand new knights will rise, all fighting with clarity and conviction, their eyes fixed on an enemy
still drowning in the sea of its own defeats. Those who lost Yahya lost an eagle in the sky, but that eagle
left behind a flock that will continue soaring over Gaza, carrying the banner and safeguarding the land.
There is no fear for Gaza with Yahya, and no fear for it after his martyrdom.

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A Year of Netanyahu’s Evasion in Prisoner Swap Negotiations

Over the past year, it has become clear how Israeli Prime Minister war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu has engaged in multiple maneuvers and evasions during the negotiations for a prisoner exchange deal, attempting to buy time and expand his military and political influence. Below is a summary of the key events that show the stages of these negotiations:

 1. December 1, 2023 – Cairo:
 War criminal Netanyahu began showcasing his power after the ceasefire ended in Gaza by launching a wide-scale assault on Khan Younis. This move was aimed at pressuring Palestinian parties to make greater concessions in the negotiations.

 2. January 28, 2024 – Paris:
On this date, the head of Israeli intelligence clearly stated that the gap between the two sides was very large. This gap was a major obstacle to reaching an agreement, as both sides couldn’t align on the number and type of prisoners to be released.

 3. February 13, 2024 – Cairo:
At this stage, war criminal Netanyahu sent an Israeli delegation to Cairo merely to listen, without offering any real proposals or new concessions. The goal was to buy more time and gain another round of negotiations without making any commitments.

 4. November 23, 2024 – Paris:
Despite some positive progress, Israeli intransigence dominated the situation. War criminal Netanyahu rejected any interim agreements and insisted on continuing the talks at a later date, weakening the hopes of mediators for a quick resolution.

 5. April 7, 2024 – Cairo:
By this point, matters became even more complicated. After repeated attempts, mediators announced that negotiations had reached a dead end, confirming that the primary cause was Israeli stalling, led by war criminal Netanyahu.

 6. May 31, 2024 – Washington:
U.S. President Joe Biden intervened, attempting to push the negotiations forward by presenting an Israeli proposal. However, Hamas rejected it outright, seeing it as biased in favor of Israel.

 7. July 10, 2024 – Doha:
Qatari mediation efforts resumed to bring the parties back on track, discussing a ceasefire agreement. Yet, optimism remained limited due to Israel’s clear reluctance to meet essential conditions.

 8. August 15-16, 2024 – Doha:
In a final mediation attempt, mediators presented a new proposal that included gradually lifting the siege and implementing the deal’s terms. But even with these efforts, war criminal Netanyahu continued to evade, adding further conditions that made the deal even harder to execute.

This timeline shows how war criminal Netanyahu employed a strategy of evasion and time-buying, aiming to achieve political and military gains by prolonging negotiations and imposing more difficult conditions on the Palestinian side. Despite continuous international and regional efforts, no final resolution has been reached, reflecting the complexity of the situation and the rigidity of Israeli positions in this issue.

Share Your Opinion:
Do you think there’s a chance for an agreement to be reached soon amid these complications? What role can international powers play in resolving this crisis?

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Education in Gaza: One Year After the Israeli Occupation Genocidal War

One year after the devastating Israeli occupation assault on Gaza, the consequences on the education sector have been catastrophic, as shown by the staggering statistics. Here’s a closer look:

1) Destroyed Infrastructure:
More than 140 schools and universities were damaged or completely destroyed, leaving thousands of students without proper classrooms. Many now study in makeshift or partially ruined buildings, risking their safety daily.

2) Psychological Trauma:
According to recent data, over 70% of Gaza’s students have exhibited signs of severe psychological distress due to the war, with many struggling to recover from the loss of family members and classmates. These traumas have severely impacted their ability to learn and develop.

3) Severe Shortage of Educational Resources:
Nearly 50% of Gaza’s schools report critical shortages in textbooks and teaching materials, making it nearly impossible to provide quality education. The lack of electricity and internet access has also crippled attempts to implement remote learning.

4) Increased Dropout Rates:
The war and its aftermath have led to a sharp increase in school dropouts, with many children forced to leave school to help support their families, further diminishing their prospects for a better future.

In light of these alarming statistics, the global community is called upon to stand in solidarity with Gaza’s students. The right to education is under severe threat, and urgent international support is needed to rebuild the educational infrastructure, provide resources, and offer psychological support to traumatized children.

Governments, NGOs, and individuals are urged to act swiftly and decisively to ensure that Gaza’s students are not forgotten and that they receive the opportunities they deserve for a brighter and more hopeful future.

Join the mission to safeguard the right to education and the future of Gaza’s children.

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One Year Since Al-Aqsa Flood: A Year of Resilience and Resistance


The “Al-Aqsa Flood” operation, launched by the Palestinian resistance in the Gaza Strip against the Israeli occupation in the early hours of Saturday, October 7, 2023, marked a significant turning point in the Palestinian struggle for freedom. This operation, which involved ground, naval, and aerial attacks, as well as infiltrations by resistance fighters into several settlements around Gaza, was announced by Muhammad Deif, the Chief of Staff of the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas). It was considered the largest operation on Israel in decades.

Palestinian fighters infiltrated the settlements around Gaza through the border fence, supported by naval commandos and paratroopers from the al-Qassam Brigades. In a pre-recorded audio message, Deif declared, “We announce the beginning of the Al-Aqsa Flood operation with an initial strike targeting enemy military sites, airports, and fortifications.” He highlighted the operation’s magnitude, stating that over 5,000 rockets and shells were launched within the first 20 minutes.

Deif characterized October 7 as “the day of the great battle to end the last occupation on Earth,” calling on Palestinian people in the West Bank and within 1948 territories to join the fight using all available means, including firearms, bladed weapons, and through protests and sit-ins. He also urged Arab and Muslim populations to support the Palestinian cause through demonstrations and other forms of grassroots pressure.

The name “Al-Aqsa Flood” holds deep significance as it signifies a response to ongoing Israeli violations of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and other Islamic holy sites in occupied Al-Quds. In the initial hours of the operation, hundreds of Israeli soldiers and settlers were reported killed, with over 100 captured or missing. The operation resulted in the closure of local airports in central and southern Israel and the cancellation of numerous flights to Ben Gurion Airport.

October 7 has become a pivotal moment in Palestinian history, emphasizing that despite military and economic isolation, Palestinian people refuse to surrender. It challenges the global community to recognize the Palestinian issue as rooted in a deeper historical and political reality—the right to resist colonial oppression.

The one-year anniversary of the “Al-Aqsa Flood” operation serves as more than just a remembrance; it is an opportunity to reflect on the ongoing struggle, the sacrifices made, and the resilience that has sustained the Palestinian cause for over 75 years. This commemoration honors those who lost their lives and acknowledges the persistent suffering and defiance of a people enduring occupation, dispossession, and violence for generations.

On October 7, 2023, Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), launched the operation known as “Al-Aqsa Flood.” This operation marked a watershed moment in the ongoing struggle for liberation. The operation unfolded with a level of audacity and planning, demonstrating the determination of the Palestinian people to reclaim their rights and confront decades of occupation. Major moments from the operation include:

Border Breaches: One of the most defining moments of that day was the breaching of the heavily fortified barriers surrounding Gaza. Palestinian fighters, demonstrating remarkable courage and resilience, penetrated defenses that had long been perceived as impenetrable. Qassam fighters successfully killed and captured Israeli settlers, inflicting significant casualties and wounding many more.

Military Confrontations: In the hours that followed the initial incursions, intense confrontations erupted across various Israeli settlements and military installations. Palestinian fighters engaged Israeli occupation forces in direct combat, capturing military posts and asserting control over key areas.

Mass Mobilization: As the operation unfolded, the streets of Gaza transformed into scenes of solidarity and unity. Civilians, aware of the risks involved, stood shoulder to shoulder with the fighters, displaying unwavering support for the resistance. The broader Palestinian population recognized this moment as an unprecedented opportunity to challenge the occupation on a scale not seen in years. Demonstrations erupted, and the collective spirit of defiance permeated every corner of Gaza.

The response from Israel unfolded with devastating consequences. In a bid to reassert control, Israel launched massive airstrikes that destroyed entire neighbourhoods. This wave of aggression was not merely a military reaction but an embodiment of a genocidal war, claiming the lives of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians. The toll included countless individuals killed, missing, and wounded, contributing to a humanitarian crisis of unprecedented scale.

Why Al-Aqsa Flood?

Hamas Movement clarified in the document titled “This is Our Narrative… Why Al-Aqsa Flood” that the Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood represents the Palestinian struggle against occupation and colonialism, a fight rooted in a long history of oppression. This struggle began long before October 7, 2023, with over a century of suffering, including 30 years of British colonial rule and 75 years of Zionist occupation.

In 1918, Palestinians owned 98.5% of the land and made up 92% of the population, a stark contrast to the Jewish immigrants arriving during early settlement migrations. Despite the British colonial regime facilitating Jewish immigration, by 1948, Zionists controlled only 6% of the land and accounted for 31.7% of the population. This imbalance led to widespread ethnic cleansing and massacres by Zionist gangs, resulting in the expulsion of over 57% of Palestinians and the destruction of more than 500 villages, paving the way for the establishment of the Zionist state.

The 1967 occupation of the remaining Palestinian territories further deepened the plight of the people. For over 17 years, the Gaza Strip has endured a suffocating siege, effectively transforming it into the world’s largest open-air prison. Throughout the decades, Palestinian people have faced relentless oppression, including apartheid policies, systemic violence, and military aggression, with Gaza experiencing five devastating aggressions initiated by the Israeli occupation. Peaceful protests, such as the “March of Return,” resulted in the deaths of over 360 Palestinian people and injuries to more than 19,000 others, including around 5,000 children.

Statistical studies reveal that from 2000 to September 2023, Israeli occupation forces killed 11,299 Palestinian people and injured 156,768, predominantly civilians. Unfortunately, the United States and its allies have largely ignored Palestinian suffering, focusing instead on Israeli casualties following the events of October 7, 2023. The U.S. continued to provide material support and cover for the Israeli government’s brutal actions against civilians in Gaza, actions that are condemned worldwide.

Numerous human rights organizations, including Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, have documented Israeli violations, yet accountability remains elusive. The U.S. has historically treated Israel as a “state above the law,” enabling continued occupation and violence against the Palestinian people. Despite over 900 U.N. resolutions favoring Palestinian people over the past 75 years, Israel has defied them, with U.S. vetoes preventing any meaningful accountability.

Even peace processes, such as the Oslo Accords, have failed to establish a Palestinian state, as Israel has systematically destroyed any prospects for sovereignty through rampant settlement expansion. As recently as September 2023, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu displayed a map encompassing all historical Palestine, reflecting Israel’s refusal to recognize Palestinian rights. Given this context of ongoing suffering and oppression, the world must reconsider its expectations of the Palestinian people.

In the face of ongoing threats to Al-Aqsa Mosque, increased settler violence, and the dire humanitarian situation in Gaza, the question arises: what options are left for Palestinians? After 75 years of occupation, suffering, and failed peace processes, was it reasonable for the world to expect the Palestinians to continue waiting for solutions from international institutions that have proven ineffective? Thus, the Al-Aqsa Flood operation on October 7, 2023, was a necessary response to Israeli occupation plans aimed at erasing the Palestinian cause, seizing land, and further entrenching occupation. It symbolizes the Palestinian people’s resolve to reclaim their rights and aspirations for freedom and independence, as is the right of any oppressed population.

The document further clarifies that Hamas’s objectives in the Al-Aqsa Flood operation were specific: it targeted Israeli occupation military sites and aimed to capture enemy soldiers in order to negotiate the release of thousands of Palestinian prisoners. This focus on military targets was a response to the constant attacks and violence inflicted on Gaza. Hamas emphasizes its commitment to avoiding civilian casualties, underscoring that any unintended harm is a regrettable consequence of defending against a powerful and violent occupation.

Historically, Hamas has upheld principles aimed at safeguarding civilian lives, yet the chaotic circumstances of the conflict sometimes lead to unintended outcomes. The organization has actively sought to secure the release of civilian hostages while addressing the long-standing injustices faced by Palestinians in Israeli prisons. Allegations regarding the targeting of civilians by Hamas are unfounded and stem from a distorted narrative that seeks to justify Israeli aggression.

Evidence from that day indicates that many civilian casualties among Israelis resulted from confusion and misfires by Israeli police and military forces. Assertions of specific atrocities, such as the killing of infants or acts of sexual violence against Israeli women, have been disproven by independent investigations. This narrative, propagated largely through Israeli media, has been effectively countered by emerging evidence, further discrediting the justifications for the violence inflicted upon Gaza.

Palestinian Cause Resurgent

The “Al-Aqsa Flood” has brought the Palestinian cause back to the forefront, exposing a truth that the American and Western media have covered up for over seventy years. This truth is that Palestine is the issue of a people whose rights have been usurped, and they will continue to demand these rights, no matter the setbacks and coercions. The racist brutality of Zionism and the United States, along with the destruction, starvation, and genocide they have inflicted, combined with the steadfastness of the citizens of Gaza, has begun to shift the narrative in favor of the resistance.

The remaining conscience among the new generations in the West has started to awaken to the nature and history of the conflict, as the name Palestine had been erased from their memory. Israel has long portrayed Hamas Movement, for the sake of obfuscation, as part of the “axis of evil,” labelling it as a terrorist organization. Throughout this time, the resistance has stood firm against the mightiest and most powerful state (the U.S.) and its regional arm, Israel. The events of October 7 stirred the status quo in the regional conflict, creating repercussions on multiple levels. It revealed that Zionism without America cannot endure for long against a people with a just cause.

The emergence of the changes we have witnessed on the international stage and in global arenas was unimaginable; who among us could have predicted that the peoples of the West—Germany, England, and all of Europe, as well as the United States—would rise up against their governments? These governments have supported this illegitimate entity, while the people have taken a courageous stand against the brutality of the Zionist enemy and their systems that collude in sin and aggression, urging them to refrain from endorsing the oppression, horrific killings, comprehensive destruction, and genocide.

We have seen Western media figures, celebrities from art, literature, and sports, as well as former politicians and diplomats, including some from Israel itself, criticize the actions of the war council and even Netanyahu. This has widened the gap between the war council and the people regarding their government. These global figures, standing with a just cause against the barbarism and savagery of this entity, have significantly contributed to fueling these international changes and the popular uprising in the streets of Europe and America.

Palestinian solidarity movements across the world were invigorated by Al-Aqsa Flood. Protests in capitals from New York to Kuala Lumpur demanded an end to the occupation and the siege. Advocacy for the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement grew stronger, with increased calls for international institutions and corporations to divest from Israeli companies complicit in the occupation. The operation fuelled a sense of urgency among Palestinian supporters, as they recognized the importance of amplifying the voices of those living under occupation.

In contrast, Israel intensified its diplomatic lobbying efforts, particularly in Western capitals, framing the operation as an existential threat and positioning its military response as a legitimate defense. This narrative found traction in mainstream political spheres, but the grassroots movements, especially in the Global South, resonated more strongly with Palestinian voices, drawing parallels between Palestine’s struggle and anti-colonial movements worldwide.

The operation also brought into sharp focus the critical role that media and propaganda play in shaping global perceptions of the struggle. For years, the Palestinian people have struggled to tell their own stories in the face of an overwhelming Israeli propaganda machine that portrayed the resistance as terrorism and justified its military operations as acts of self-defence. Mainstream Western media outlets, heavily influenced by Israeli and pro-Israel narratives, often framed the operation through this lens, minimizing or entirely ignoring the context of occupation.

However, Al-Aqsa Flood also highlighted the growing power of Palestinian voices in countering these narratives, particularly through social media platforms. Young Palestinians, activists, and journalists used Twitter, Instagram, and other platforms to share their realities, posting firsthand accounts of life under siege, the destruction of their homes, and the loss of loved ones. These raw, unfiltered stories reached global audiences and created a groundswell of support that mainstream media could not easily ignore.

Yet, the challenges remained formidable. The occupation’s sophisticated media apparatus worked tirelessly to discredit Palestinian testimonies, painting any resistance as terrorism and using the operation to justify further crackdowns on Palestinian civil society. Social media companies often censored Palestinian content, either under pressure from Israeli lobbies or through algorithms that flagged pro-Palestinian posts as incitement or violence. Despite this, the resilience of Palestinian storytellers persisted, and their efforts to share the truth became an essential part of the broader resistance movement.

Al-Aqsa Flood also deepened the connections between Palestine and other global struggles for justice. Movements for Indigenous rights, anti-racism campaigns, and anti-colonial efforts in various parts of the world increasingly saw Palestine as a mirror of their own struggles. In many places, the Palestinian cause became a symbol of the broader fight against imperialism and state-sanctioned violence.

The parallels between apartheid South Africa and Israel’s occupation became more pronounced in international discourse, and solidarity with Palestine became a litmus test for global justice movements. The operation thus served as a catalyst for unifying different strands of global resistance, from Black Lives Matter in the United States to Indigenous movements in Latin America. For many of these groups, supporting Palestine was not just an act of solidarity, but a recognition of the interconnectedness of struggles against oppression and colonization.

The Human Cost and Struggles

The Al-Aqsa Flood operation, while a significant act of resistance, came at a heavy cost to the Palestinian people. The Israeli response was swift and brutal, aimed at breaking the spirit of Gaza’s defiance. Airstrikes levelled entire neighbourhoods, hospitals overflowed with casualties, and tens of thousands were displaced in a matter of days. For Palestinian people, this was not new. They had lived through such destruction many times before. The ongoing Zionist onslaught on all Palestine continues to bring devastation and suffering to the Palestinian people. The genocidal campaign targets civilians, particularly vulnerable groups such as children, women, and the elderly, causing irreparable loss and damage.

The death toll of Palestinian people has exceeded 41,638, with 75% of the casualties being children, women, and elderly people. Over 16,891 children and 11,458 women have been killed. Tragically, more than 10,000 Palestinian people remain trapped under the rubble of homes destroyed by Israeli occupation airstrikes, including 5,000 children. The number of injured has surpassed 96,460, with the majority being women and children. More than 3,652 massacres have been recorded, where entire families were killed in their homes during indiscriminate bombings. Over 17,000 children in Gaza have been orphaned.

In addition, 36 children in Gaza have died due to malnutrition and dehydration as famine spreads across the Strip. Since October 7, at least 54 Palestinian detainees have died in Israeli occupation prisons due to systematic torture and deliberate medical negligence. The material losses from the Israeli occupation aggression have surpassed $33 billion. Mass graves have been discovered across Gaza, with seven found in hospitals containing over 520 martyrs, most of them women and children. Among the victims are 471 Palestinian people killed in the bombing of Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital on October 17, along with civil defense teams, medical staff, and UNRWA workers targeted by the occupation forces.

The Israeli occupation army has forcibly disappeared over 5,000 Palestinian people from Gaza, detaining them in unknown locations. Many testimonies from released detainees have revealed that Palestinian people held in Israeli occupation jails endure all forms of torture, as well as deprivation of food and medical care.

The health sector in Gaza is under siege. Over 986 medical staff have been killed, and 717 others injured. More than 310 medical professionals, including hospital directors, were kidnapped while on duty. Thirty-four hospitals are completely out of service due to bombings and fuel shortages, while 80 healthcare centers have stopped providing services. 162 health facilities have been damaged, and 246 ambulances have been destroyed or severely damaged.

More than 25,000 injured Palestinian people are in urgent need of medical treatment abroad, but the ongoing blockade prevents their evacuation. Additionally, 3,500 children are at risk of death due to malnutrition. Hospitals are operating at 340% capacity, with severe shortages in medicines and medical supplies. Over 4,800 patients need daily care, and over 1,000 require urgent dialysis.

The Health Ministry reported that since March, 30 children have died due to malnutrition and dehydration, a direct result of Israel’s deliberate policy of starvation. Over 150,000 pregnant women are unable to access proper healthcare, while the treatment of 10,000 cancer patients has been disrupted. More than 350,000 patients with chronic illnesses are in need of medication that is no longer available. The spread of infectious diseases, including diarrhea and Hepatitis C, has affected over 1.7 million Palestinians due to unsanitary living conditions caused by the occupation’s relentless bombings.

More than 516,500 homes have been severely damaged, and 171,500 destroyed completely by Israeli bombs. Over 75% of all homes in Gaza have sustained damage. As a result, more than 2 million Palestinians are now displaced, with over one million living in overcrowded shelters in UNRWA schools.

The occupation has systematically targeted journalists and media offices in Gaza. So far, 174 journalists have been killed, 396 others have been critically injured, and at least two have been detained. More than 182 media offices have been damaged by the Israeli forces.

Israel has targeted Gaza’s vital infrastructure, with 489 schools and universities damaged, 123 of them completely destroyed. More than 201 government buildings and public facilities have been bombed. The occupation forces have destroyed 611 mosques and severely damaged 825 others, while three churches have also been hit. UNRWA facilities, industrial establishments, and agricultural lands have been obliterated, worsening the humanitarian disaster. The Israeli army has dropped over 85,000 tons of explosives, equivalent to more than twice the force of the atomic bomb used in Hiroshima.

The people of Gaza face famine, with over 600,000 people in the northern areas of the Strip under a complete siege, lacking access to food, water, and fuel. The humanitarian situation is dire, with people, especially children, living in constant fear and insecurity as bombs continue to fall.

The human cost of the Israeli genocidal war is not just measured in death tolls or destroyed buildings, but in the lives it has irrevocably changed. Each name lost in the bombardments tells a story of a life lived under occupation, a life full of dreams, hopes, and aspirations. These are not just numbers—they are fathers who once held their children, mothers who cooked for their families, and children who played in the streets of Gaza.

In marking the one-year anniversary of Al-Aqsa Flood, Palestinian people remember these lives as symbols of the ongoing struggle for freedom. Each displaced family, each life lost, each child orphaned is a testament to the fragility of existence under occupation.

The Israeli occupation launched its intensive and concentrated military campaign in the northern West Bank on August 28, targeting specifically the cities of Tubas, Tulkarem, Jenin, and refugee camps such as Nur Shams, Jenin, and al-Faraa. What is happening is merely another chapter in a series of military campaigns that have not ceased for years. Although these campaigns temporarily weakened the Palestinian resistance, it quickly re-emerged, stronger and more widespread, especially among Palestinian youth.

Arrests, raids, and killings in the West Bank did not stop before October 7, but they intensified after the “Al-Aqsa Flood” battle, leading to the martyrdom of more than 720 Palestinian people, approximately 5,750 injuries, and over 11,927 arrests within a year. During this time, there were also 2,331 assaults by Israeli settlers across the occupied West Bank, with the Israeli occupation army storming into 4,682 Palestinian homes and carrying out 12,671 incursions into various areas across the occupied West Bank.

Despite the intensity of Israeli security aggressions, the Palestinian resistance has managed to grow both in quantity and quality, spreading within the West Bank in a manner that alarms the occupation. The West Bank is considered a vulnerable flank in the occupation’s security and has historically been a source of resistance operations in the heart of occupied cities, which had ceased for years but have now resumed amidst the ongoing crimes of the Zionist entity against the Palestinian people.

The expansion of Palestinian resistance poses a challenge to the Israeli settlement project, which is supported by the Zionist government led by Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, under the leadership of Benjamin Netanyahu. It is noteworthy that the Israeli government aims to increase the number of settlers in the West Bank from 800,000 to 2 million in the coming years, with the goal of ending the idea of a Palestinian state, Judaizing Al-Quds and the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and annexing the West Bank under Israeli sovereignty through a de facto policy. On August 31, Finance Minister Smotrich stated, “We are working on the ground to strengthen settlement and thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state,” referring to the military campaign in the West Bank. Ben Gvir also announced his intention to build a Jewish synagogue inside the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

The Legitimacy of Resistance

For years, the Israeli occupation in collusion with global Zionist forces and their allies in the United States, has attempted to equate “resistance” with “terrorism” in international law. Additionally, it has intensified the use of anti-Semitism laws against the Palestinian struggle for resisting occupation and building their independent state, even though these laws primarily address a European phenomenon for which Palestinian people bear no responsibility, yet have become its victims. Restoring the recognition of “resistance,” glorifying its legitimacy, and celebrating it globally are among the most significant achievements of the Palestinian people’s steadfastness in shaping global public opinion.

The world now understands that wherever there is occupation, there is resistance, and there is no room for confusion between resistance and terrorism. Resistance is a legitimate right to confront aggression, achieve sovereignty, and secure freedom of will. Politically, the resistance has succeeded, and its successes are reflected globally in decisions that will forever remain a stain on Israel and its leadership.

The resistance has succeeded in restoring the Palestinian cause to its true essence without distortion, turning it into a global issue rather than just a Palestinian one. It has also redefined the core goals of the Palestinian struggle, placing the establishment of an independent, fully sovereign state at the forefront of its objectives. This is where the political success of the resistance is realized.

Militarily, its success lies in its ability to endure, without supplies and under siege, against one of the most brutal war machines in the world. Israel has neither managed to defeat the resistance nor succeeded in retrieving its captives or eliminating the great influence of Hamas Movement in Gaza. In fact, the occupation’s actions have inadvertently strengthened the resistance’s leadership in Nablus, Jenin, Tulkarem, and other cities in the occupied West Bank, where the Israeli occupation army attempts to violate Palestinian dignity almost daily. The ultimate goal of the Palestinian resistance is to end the occupation and pave the way for an internationally guaranteed political process with a defined timeline to establish a viable, independent, and sovereign Palestinian state.

The resistance has gained broader international recognition of Palestine as a state, while Israel has lost support, with countries like South Africa standing against it in international forums and others, such as Brazil, withdrawing their ambassadors. Even nations previously considered allies of Israel, like Canada and the Netherlands, have imposed sanctions, including halting arms exports to Israel. The second domain for assessing the effectiveness of the resistance relates to the losses inflicted on the enemy. In the case of the Palestinian resistance, the focus is not on inflicting absolute damage, but on harming the enemy in ways that strengthen the identity, goals, and interests of the people it represents—whether in the diplomatic, economic, military, legal, or political arenas.

The primary strategic defeat inflicted by the Palestinian resistance on the Israeli occupation is the “collapse of Israel’s deterrence strategy.” This strategy once granted them the freedom to act unilaterally against Palestinian people and other regional populations without accounting for anything beyond their interests, as perceived by its government, while imposing heavy restrictions on any potential response from the aggressed party. This deterrence strategy was shattered in the resistance’s first strike, and the subsequent strategic losses inflicted on Israel by the resistance have transformed it into a pariah state on the global stage.

It is unprecedented in the history of the Zionist entity for it to fight continuously for an entire year. Likewise, never in the history of the world has a people endured a siege by land, sea, and air, faced with the latest weapons and the most barbaric, brutal tactics, and yet continued to stand firm as the Palestinian people have. When the occupation initiated its savage aggression, it did not anticipate that the war would last for months, but it now seems likely that it will extend beyond this year.

In the Gaza war, the occupation’s shells, artillery, tanks, and aircraft do not distinguish between soldiers and civilians; the Palestinian people as a whole are the target of this genocidal war. Israel sees its continued existence only through the annihilation of the Palestinian people. From the perspective of the occupying enemy, this war is not one of victory or defeat—it is a war of survival or annihilation. Yet, no matter how much the occupiers relies on brutal force, it will never defeat a people whose will to survive grows stronger, determined to live freely and independently in a sovereign state that matches their generations of sacrifices.

The Palestinian resistance has achieved an unprecedented global political victory, one that no one expected. It has shaken off the dust that had almost obscured the political nature of the Palestinian cause, which risked being reduced to merely a humanitarian issue. It has breathed new political life into the cause, putting an end to futile attempts over the past decades to offer piecemeal solutions through insignificant financial and social aid schemes, benefiting only opportunists and giving Israel security, settlement expansion, and regional control.

But this was not the resistance’s only success. It has succeeded in making the establishment of an independent Palestinian state the number one issue on the global agenda, the number one topic in world public opinion, and the number one issue on the agendas of the UN Security Council, the UN General Assembly, the International Court of Justice, and the International Criminal Court.

An Exemplary Model of Wise Leadership

One of the most significant civilizational gains from the Al-Aqsa Flood battle is that it has highlighted for us—showcasing what already existed rather than creating it—a commendable model of conscious, diligent, and wise political leadership, represented by the leadership of Hamas and its political bureau both domestically and abroad. This leadership has neither tasted comfort nor found sleep since the beginning of the battle; they have been in continuous communication and follow-up, making efforts to stop the war and the bloodshed, manoeuvring with enemies and intermediaries, and engaging in international and regional communications with influential parties to fulfil their role.

This wise leadership has, through its awareness and intelligence, placed Netanyahu and his war council in a corner far removed from popular and global support. They put the ball in his court when they accepted the offer from mediators in Egypt and Qatar to halt the war, putting Netanyahu and his council in a losing position—either by accepting, which would bring the war into Israeli society by holding this council accountable for its failure, or by refusing, which would put the leadership of the entity in a state of international condemnation, both popular and official, and portray this entity as brutal and rejecting peace and an end to the war!

Furthermore, this leadership made the mediators understand Hamas’s position regarding the battle, which was reflected in the Americans themselves. The leadership—through its intelligence—created a significant gap and rift between Netanyahu and his war council, and between the Israeli people and their government. They have been keen to widen and amplify this gap through “political tactics” and “negotiation manoeuvres,” as well as through what the “military media” does in its impressive media, which incites the anger of the Israeli people against their leadership. This has led to the enemy losing its composure, following a blind personal agenda that cares only for destruction and ruin, and continuing to fail in the eyes of their own people and the world.

On the other hand, what indicates the wisdom of this leadership is that they blended battlefield toughness with legitimate jihad, along with political flexibility to the greatest extent possible while adhering to the established constants of the cause and the just demands of the battle. This has allowed the movement to gain its popular base through its actions and choices, and to highlight its pure image in the resistance to stop the aggression.

The Path to Justice

As we reflect on the year since the Al-Aqsa Flood operation, we see both progress and continuity in the struggle for Palestinian freedom. Some things have changed dramatically, while others remain painfully the same. Al-Aqsa Flood broke through years of international apathy and rekindled a global conversation on the Palestinian cause, drawing attention to the unrelenting siege, military occupation, violations of holy sites, places of worship, and mosques, and the denial of basic human rights to the Palestinian people. Yet, despite the increased awareness, the occupation remains entrenched, and the violence against Palestinian people persists. The path to justice remains fraught with challenges, but it is a journey the Palestinian people are determined to continue.

One of the most significant changes in the year following Al-Aqsa Flood has been the shift in global perception. The operation served as a wake-up call for many who had grown indifferent to the Palestinian plight. International media, human rights organizations, and civil society began paying closer attention to the injustices faced by Palestinian people under occupation. The intense military response by the occupation and the continued destruction of Gaza put a spotlight on the human cost of the siege, prompting renewed calls for international accountability.

At the grassroots level, the operation invigorated Palestinian solidarity movements worldwide. From the streets of Europe and North America to the capitals of the Global South, protests erupted in support of Palestine, drawing attention to the occupation’s brutality and demanding an end to the blockade. The operation underscored the urgency of Palestinian self-determination, mobilizing a new generation of activists and advocates to join the struggle.

Moreover, within Palestinian society, the operation reinforced the deep-rooted spirit of resistance. Despite the heavy toll it took on Palestinian lives, homes, and infrastructure, it also strengthened the collective resolve to resist. The notion that the Palestinian people would not accept the status quo of occupation and siege was once again proven, as they continued to assert their right to freedom, dignity, and justice.

Yet, despite these shifts, many of the underlying issues that sparked Al-Aqsa Flood remain unchanged. All of Palestine remains under brutal occupation, with Palestinian people facing severe shortages of food, medicine, clean water, and electricity, the expansion of illegal Israeli settlements, home demolitions, and systematic violence, whether through military raids, arbitrary arrests, settler attacks, or assaults on holy sites and places of worship.

Internationally, while the conversation has shifted, tangible actions from powerful states and institutions have been slow to follow. Diplomatic pressure has increased in some circles, but many governments remain complicit in supporting the occupation, either directly or indirectly. The fight for Palestinian justice continues to be hampered by geopolitical interests that prioritize strategic alliances over human rights.

Despite these persistent challenges, the hope for freedom and justice remains alive. Palestinian people have never wavered in their belief that their struggle is one of liberation and human dignity. The future, though uncertain, is envisioned as one where Palestine is free from occupation, where refugees can return to their homeland, and where Palestinian people can live as equals with the rights and freedoms afforded to all people.

Al-Aqsa Flood reminded the world that the Palestinian cause is not a conflict to be managed but a struggle for justice that demands resolution. As long as the occupation persists, as long as the siege suffocates Gaza, and as long as Palestinian people are denied their fundamental rights, the resistance will continue.


The Palestinian people have shown the world what steadfastness looks like—sumud in the face of overwhelming odds. They have taught us that justice is not something to be given, but something to be fought for. As we look forward, the call for global solidarity remains more urgent than ever. The world must continue to stand with Palestine, demanding an end to occupation and the recognition of Palestinian rights.

The path to justice is long, but it is a path Palestinian people are committed to walking. One year after Al-Aqsa Flood, the message remains clear: the struggle for freedom, dignity, and justice will not end until Palestine is free. The sacrifices made, the lives lost, and the resilience shown over the past year will be remembered as part of the larger tapestry of Palestinian resistance—one that spans generations and will continue until victory is achieved.

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Nasrallah’s Assassination

Hassan Nasrallah is the third Secretary-General of Lebanon’s Hezbollah. Born in 1960, he assumed office on February 16, 1992, following the assassination of his predecessor, Abbas al-Musawi, by an Israeli missile strike on his convoy. Nasrallah received religious education in Shia centers and seminaries in Lebanon, Iraq, and Iran. He earned the title “Leader of the Resistance” due to Hezbollah’s role in liberating southern Lebanon from Israeli occupation in 2000, after 22 years, and its subsequent confrontation with the occupation during the July 2006 war. He played a significant role in negotiating prisoner exchanges to return Lebanese and Arab captives, as well as the remains of resistance fighters held by thew Israeli occupation. His fiery speeches and strong personality garnered him widespread popularity in the Arab and Islamic worlds.

Nasrallah’s name resurfaced prominently during the “Al-Aqsa Flood” operation launched by Palestinian resistance forces against Israeli settlements around Gaza on October 7, 2023. This was followed by an extended genocidal Israeli assault on Gaza Strip that resulted in tens of thousands of casualties. In response, Nasrallah announced the opening of a “front in southern Lebanon to support the Palestinian resistance,” vowing in several speeches that this front would not cease until the war on Gaza ended.

On Friday, September 27, Israeli occupation Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered a series of threats from the United Nations podium, targeting Iran and its allied resistance movements. He specifically singled out Hezbollah, claiming the group had chosen the path of war, leaving the Israeli occupation with no choice but to engage in conflict to secure the return of its people to the north.

Shortly after Netanyahu’s speech, a series of airstrikes were reported in Beirut, targeting Hezbollah’s general command headquarters. This triggered a media frenzy both locally and globally, revolving around the martyrdom of Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah. The news sent shockwaves through Lebanon, plunging the country into a state of existential anxiety as the dark cloud of the Israeli occupation’s aggression loomed over the region.

The declaration of a major war against Hezbollah had effectively begun when Netanyahu, from New York, approved the Israeli occupation’s strikes on the southern suburbs of Beirut. Ironically, this announcement was made from the world’s highest platform, the United Nations, which is meant to promote global peace—not to declare war and authorize massacres. This strongly suggests that Netanyahu had received the green light from the United States, and it is possible that secret deals were made behind closed doors in the corridors of the Security Council.

Hezbollah later confirmed the martyrdom of Hassan Nasrallah in the Israeli occupation forces’ attack, with the Israeli army officially announcing his death. The strike also claimed the lives of Ali Karaki, Hezbollah’s southern region commander, and other senior leaders of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.

According to Israeli Army Radio, F-35 jets carried out the airstrikes using bunker-busting bombs, targeting Hezbollah’s General Staff headquarters, with Nasrallah as the primary target. However, it did not end with these strikes. The Israeli occupation continued its raids, warning residents to evacuate their homes in the southern suburbs. As a result, Beirut’s streets witnessed unprecedented waves of displacement, closely resembling the mass exodus experienced by the Palestinian people in Gaza.

Overview of the Operation

The aggression that led to the assassination of Hezbollah’s Secretary-General, Hassan Nasrallah, was executed by “Unit 119” of the Israeli occupation Air Force, commonly referred to as “Bat.” The aircraft involved in this operation were F-15 jets, which targeted Hezbollah’s main headquarters, located 14 floors underground in the southern suburb of Beirut. On Saturday, the Israeli occupation army officially announced Nasrallah’s death, confirming that he was killed in the raid. Israeli occupation army spokesperson Nadav Shoshani declared on the platform “X” that “Hassan Nasrallah was killed,” while another army spokesperson, David Abraham, confirmed to AFP the “elimination” of Hezbollah’s secretary-general.

Israeli occupation media provided extensive coverage of the assassination, with Defense Minister Yoav Gallant describing it as one of the most important operations in Israel’s history. Channel 13’s military affairs correspondent, Or Heller, reported that Brigadier General Amichai Levin, commander of the Hatzerim Airbase, stated that the primary aim of the operation was to separate Lebanon from the Gaza Strip, especially since Nasrallah had connected the two fronts after October 7th, rendering them indistinguishable.

How did the Zionist entity carry out the assassination?

According to reports from Israeli websites, an operation codenamed “New Order” was conducted while senior Hezbollah officers were stationed at their headquarters, coordinating military operations against Israel. The attack commenced when Israeli Air Force planes dropped 80 MK84 “Heavy Hide” bunker-busting bombs, each weighing a ton. As reported by the “Israeli Broadcasting Authority,” these bombs are capable of penetrating fortifications as deep as 50 to 70 meters underground, targeting Hezbollah’s underground infrastructure.

Israeli intelligence infiltration was exacerbated by its involvement in Syria, where Hezbollah members were forced to communicate more openly and less securely. WhatsApp became a significant weak point as members inadvertently sharing sensitive information. This allowed Israel to collect a vast amount of intelligence, including hacking the phones of both Hezbollah members and their leaders. A key aspect of the operation involved Israel meticulously mapping out Hezbollah-controlled areas, particularly the southern suburbs of Beirut (Dahiya), dividing them into security zones of 400 square meters. In these zones, Israel monitored civilian activities in minute detail, tracking their daily routines, what they ate and drank, when they left or returned home, their clothing choices, who they communicated with, and who visited them. Israel’s surveillance technology was highly sophisticated, employing advanced cameras, drones, and other cutting-edge tools.

This large-scale intelligence project, which spanned 15 years, gathered detailed data on every resident within each apartment, including their visitors and the purpose of their interactions. Israel employed a mix of advanced technologies—such as tracking cameras, voice identification, drones, and internet hacking—alongside human intelligence provided by local and foreign agents. They also analyzed the “needs” of the residents, tracking where they bought food, parked their cars, worked, traveled, and sent their children to school. Israel even identified where individuals purchased electronic devices, received salaries, and conducted financial transactions, down to which barbershops and cafés they frequented.

Having gathered this comprehensive intelligence, Israel infiltrated the supply chains Hezbollah members relied on, equipping technological devices like televisions with surveillance systems capable of listening, tracking, and voice detection. Some devices were even rigged with explosives. Additionally, Israel established each individual’s digital footprint—capturing their voice, appearance, online activity, and apps used. This allowed Israel to plant agents and informants within Hezbollah’s ranks.

For every 400-square-meter security zone, Israel assigned specialized teams from Mossad, Shin Bet, and Unit 8200 to monitor, surveil, and execute targeted operations, including assassinations. Beyond local monitoring, Israel extended its surveillance efforts to ports and airports, hacking daily travel records. Both landline and mobile telecommunications networks were breached, further compromising Hezbollah’s security and communications network.

Israeli media reports have revealed details regarding the assassination of Hezbollah’s Secretary General, Hassan Nasrallah, in the southern suburbs of Beirut. According to the Israeli newspaper Maariv, a man approached Nasrallah, shook his hand, and smeared a substance that enabled Israel to track him. Within two minutes, Israeli forces successfully located Nasrallah and confirmed his presence at a headquarters in Beirut’s southern suburbs.

Minutes after confirming his location, Israeli aircraft launched airstrikes on the site, dropping an estimated 80 tons of bombs. This attack resulted in the deaths of Nasrallah and several senior Hezbollah leaders. Reports indicated that Nasrallah died from suffocation after seeking refuge in an unventilated room within the headquarters, where toxic gases from the bombing leaked in.

News agencies reported that Nasrallah’s body was retrieved from under the rubble. Two sources confirmed to Reuters that the body was intact, showing no visible injuries or wounds. It is believed that Nasrallah’s martyrdom was caused by suffocation, as he was in an unventilated space and suffered severe pain prior to his passing.

Sources further indicated that gases entered the room due to the bombing, leading to his suffocation. Medical and security sources confirmed that no injuries were found on Nasrallah’s body, suggesting that his death was the result of the force of the explosion. A video circulated on social media captured the moment Nasrallah’s body was recovered from the rubble.

The Condemnation of the Assassination

In Palestine, Hamas Movement condemned Nasrallah’s killing as a “cowardly, terrorist act” by the Israeli occupation. In their statement, they strongly denounced the attack as barbaric, accusing Israel of violating international norms and endangering global peace. They reaffirmed their solidarity with Hezbollah and the Islamic resistance in Lebanon, vowing continued unity against the occupation. Further, Abu Obeida, the spokesperson for the al-Qassam Brigades, expressed mourning for Hassan Nasrallah, referring to him as a martyr. In a tweet, he stated: “We grieve with all patience and fortitude for His Eminence, Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah, and his brothers,” recalling Nasrallah’s sacrifices for the freedom of Al-Quds and Al-Aqsa. Obeida praised Nasrallah’s steadfast support for the Palestinian resistance and highlighted his dedication to the cause during the “Al-Aqsa Flood.”

The Lebanese government declared a three-day mourning period starting Monday to honor Hezbollah’s Secretary General, Hassan Nasrallah, after he was killed in an Israeli airstrike on Beirut’s southern suburbs. Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati condemned the attack as an attempt to destabilize Lebanon. In Iran, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei announced a five-day mourning period, condemning the assassination as part of a U.S.-Zionist conspiracy. Iranian officials vowed a firm response while coordinating with Hezbollah and regional allies. Turkey and Russia also condemned the assassination, with Turkish President Erdoğan calling for an end to Israeli hostilities, and Russia holding Israel responsible for potential regional escalation. In Iraq, Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani expressed sorrow and announced three days of mourning, condemning the occupation’s actions as an escalation.

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Al-Aqsa faces an unprecedented existential threat during the Torah holiday season

An assessment by the Al-Quds International Institution predicts a resurgence of popular resistance as Israeli occupation efforts intensify to enforce religious hegemony over Al-Aqsa Mosque and attempts to erase the identity of the sacred site. This comes amid ongoing aggression in the West Bank, escalating resistance, the continuing genocide in Gaza, and increased activity on the supporting fronts.

The assessment, prepared by Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque specialist researcher Ziad Abheis, highlights that this year’s Jewish holiday season spans from October 3rd to October 24th, immediately followed by the first Hebrew anniversary of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, set to fall on the morning of Friday, October 25th.

The assessment suggests that this season may witness the fiercest assault on Al-Aqsa yet, with Israeli leadership viewing the anniversary as an opportunity to address the “October 7th crisis.” There is a possibility that the occupation may plan a multi-front attack on Wednesday and Thursday, October 24th and 25th, making it crucial to prepare for this potential escalation and even consider preemptive measures to strengthen resistance.

Al-Aqsa Flood in the Face of Elimination

The assessment indicates that the Al-Aqsa Flood operation marked the sixth phase of Palestinian resistance against the decisive phase launched by the Israeli occupation, with U.S. support, aimed at the comprehensive liquidation of the Palestinian cause. This phase began with former U.S. President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel on December 6, 2017.

This was followed by a demonization campaign and the defunding of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), aimed at eliminating the right of return. The recognition of all forms of political representation for the Palestinian people was also withdrawn, even those that conformed to “colonial conditions.”

Subsequently, in January 2020, the “Deal of the Century” was announced, attempting to redefine the Palestinian cause as an issue of financial aid in exchange for security. This culminated in official Arab normalization on several fronts, including the UAE, Bahrain, Morocco, and Sudan, in what became known as the “Abraham Accords.”

Revenge Attack

The assessment explains that the occupation responded to the Al-Aqsa Flood with a hasty revenge attack, followed by the development of a “decisive strategy.” This ideological strategy, while defying the balance of power, forms a cohesive whole that explains Israel’s systematic approach to waging war across various fronts.

Torah Holiday Season The assessment clarified that the extremist Temple groups, which are active within the religious Zionism movement and target Al-Aqsa Mosque, have historically used the Torah religious and Zionist national holidays as periods for aggression against Al-Aqsa. Their goal is to transform the mosque’s identity from an exclusively Islamic site into a purely Jewish one, starting with a phase of shared control.

These extremist groups have designated the holiday season, spanning from the Jewish New Year to the “Simchat Torah” holiday, as the worst period of aggression against Al-Aqsa each year. This year, the season will extend from October 3 to October 25.

The assessment highlights that this historical pattern has triggered five uprisings and wars, all beginning at Al-Aqsa during these holidays. These include the 1990 Al-Aqsa massacre, the 1996 Tunnel Uprising, the 2000 Al-Aqsa Intifada, the 2015 Knife Intifada, and most recently, the Al-Aqsa Flood. As the Israeli occupation and its extremist groups push for a decisive resolution, this season of uprisings is likely to be renewed, given the current circumstances on the ground.

Aggression on Al-Aqsa

The assessment predicts that the Israeli occupation police will sponsor the largest assault on Al-Aqsa Mosque during the upcoming Hebrew holiday season, where they will attempt to impose the full public performance of Torah rituals for each holiday and renew the siege on Al-Aqsa. The goal is to initiate and sustain this situation until the next Ramadan, similar to last years’ experience, taking advantage of the lower number of visitors during the winter.

Through this, the occupation police aim to fully dominate the eastern courtyard of Al-Aqsa and will attempt to expand the area for performing Torah rituals to the western side of the mosque, near the western colonnade, creating a new zone for exclusive control. They will also renew the practice of settlers dancing at the gates and exerting auditory dominance over the mosque.

The assessment suggests that reaching the peak of the announced rituals will involve repeated public shofar blowing on Thursday (October 3) and Sunday (October 13). It is expected that the shofar will be blown repeatedly and openly inside Al-Aqsa, at its gates, and around its walls.

Additionally, it is anticipated that the occupation will storm Al-Aqsa wearing “white repentance garments,” which mimic the attire of the priestly class, perform the “Priestly Blessings” prayers publicly, and impose plant offerings or the “Fruits of Sukkot” within the mosque. The aggression is expected to culminate in the performance of the “Simchat Torah” rituals in Al-Aqsa on October 24, symbolizing the culmination of the aggression with ceremonies portraying a victory after one year since the Al-Aqsa Flood.

Areas of Action

In conclusion, the assessment states that Al-Aqsa Mosque is facing the peak of the existential threat it has witnessed since its occupation. “This necessitates engaging in the battle to defend it by all possible means of resistance, at the level of the Palestinian people wherever they are, as well as the surrounding countries and all the peoples of the Arab and Islamic nations.”

The assessment calls for pressure on the official Arab regimes to adopt any positive stance and halt the deterioration of their position.

Additionally, it calls for launching the largest mobilization and awareness campaign in the history of solidarity with Al-Aqsa, starting today and continuing until the end of October 25th.

Source: Online platforms & Al-Jazeera

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How Has Solidarity with Palestine Become Part of Malaysian History?

Malaysia’s support for Palestine dates back to the early years of its independence. As a young nation emerging from the shadows of colonialism, Malaysia identified strongly with the struggles of other oppressed peoples. The Palestinian cause, representing the fight against occupation, displacement, and apartheid, resonated deeply with Malaysia’s own history of fighting for sovereignty. This shared experience of resisting foreign domination fostered a natural alliance between the two nations. In 1936, young Malaysian Burhanuddin Helmi visited the Levant and became a guest in Palestine, where the people were engaged in a struggle against Jewish immigration and British mandate. While Palestinian cities were in revolt against the mandate, Burhanuddin had the chance to participate in the Great Palestinian Revolt (1936–1939). He was arrested by the British for four months and then deported to Malaysia.

Shortly after returning to his country, Burhanuddin decided to fight in his own way. In 1937, he launched the magazine Taman Bahagia and began mobilizing against British colonialism, exposing their plans to establish a national homeland for Jews on Palestinian land, and introducing himself as a “fighter for Palestine.” The British, who were still ruling Malaysia at the time, arrested him again and shut down the magazine.

Politically, Malaysia refused to recognize the Israeli occupation when its state was declared and has since adopted the term “Nakba. ” Tunku Abdul Rahman, the first Prime Minister of the Federation of Malaya in 1955 and the first Prime Minister of independent Malaysia (1957–1970), adhered to this stance. He bolstered international efforts in support of the Palestinian cause through the Non-Aligned Movement and his rounds at the United Nations, particularly his position following the burning of Al Aqsa Mosque in 1969. He raised the issue of Jerusalem, called for international and UN protection for the city and its residents, and demanded a global response to the actions of the Israeli occupation.

In this article, we explore some aspects of both governmental and popular Malaysian support and solidarity with the Palestinian cause, especially after the “Al-Aqsa Flood” operation.

Support in Multiple Directions

Faraj Hanini, President of the Palestinian Students Association (PSA), states, “Malaysia, with its government and people, always stands with Palestine, whether in justice or oppression.” This support spans from hosting around 4,000–5,000 Palestinians, including students and refugees, to mobilizing governmental, humanitarian, educational, and religious institutions, as well as mosques, to strengthen solidarity with Palestine. It also extends to collaboration with the Palestinian community in every government or popular activity, such as festivals, conferences, or marches.

According to Hanini, this has transformed the presence of Palestinians in Malaysia and their roles in forming academic, social, and humanitarian bonds with the broader Malaysian public.

It has become an opportunity to maintain and enhance both governmental and popular support for Palestine. This is particularly evident in Malaysia’s warm reception of Palestinians, who are invited to participate in religious gatherings, Qur’an memorization sessions, student exchanges with Palestinian universities, and the annual exchange of imams during Ramadan. Additionally, Malaysian medical delegations frequently offer support to hospitals, medical centers, and clinics during every Israeli assault by providing expertise and medical supplies.

Dato’ Seri Professor Kamal Nasiruddin bin Mustafa, President of My CARE, highlights the close relationship between the Malaysian and Palestinian people, stating that the events of October 7 were not a turning point but rather a continuation and strengthening of prior efforts. These efforts include emergency relief programs, education support, food security aid, and the construction of hospitals and schools. My CARE has been consistently providing educational scholarships both in Malaysia and Palestine, as well as supporting Qur’an memorization programs and sponsoring students of the Holy Qur’an.

Moreover, My CARE’s humanitarian and relief partnerships with several Palestinian organizations in Malaysia—such as the Palestinian Cultural Organization Malaysia (PCOM), the International Coalition for Jerusalem and Palestine, and institutions of the Palestinian Liberation Organization—have led to the implementation of various projects in cooperation with these organizations and other relief agencies in affected areas. This collaboration earned My CARE the leadership of the Southeast Asia Humanitarian Committee starting in 2019.

On the Nature of Malaysian Popular Support for Palestinians in Recent Years

Norma Hashim, the founding director of the Hashim Sani Center for Palestinian Studies and treasurer of Viva Palestina Malaysia, points out that Malaysian efforts have become more focused over the past 16 years. These efforts have adopted a methodology aimed at improving the economic and living standards of Palestinians, especially given the Israeli siege on the Gaza Strip and the dwindling economic opportunities. Consequently, the initiatives have been directed towards supporting university students in both Palestine and Malaysia to complete their studies, providing small credit loans for business ventures, and supplying balanced food baskets.

“Survival” Instead of “Economic Recovery”

The Malaysian political and popular movement in support of the Palestinian cause continued following the launch of the Al-Aqsa Flood operation. The Malaysian leadership made a decision to stand with the rights of the Palestinian people, despite Western countries and some Arab states condemning the events of October 7. Malaysia rejected any external pressure, which gave the public a comfortable space to mobilize both inside and outside Malaysia to support Palestinians.

Jasmi Johari, head of the Malaysian Humanitarian Aid and Relief Agency (MAHAR), explained these developments: “One month after the war on Gaza began, the Malaysian government launched the Operation Ihsan initiative. This initiative represented a collaboration between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, NGOs, companies, and individuals to unite their efforts in helping Palestine. Today, more than 100 active entities are involved, securing hundreds of tons of essential and medical supplies from the Malaysian people for the Palestinians in the early stages.”

On the other hand, Norma Hashim believes that the current war on Gaza has radically shifted the priorities of humanitarian organizations, transforming their objectives from “economic recovery” to “survival.” This shift has meant a change in the type and nature of aid, focusing solely on providing meals, securing drinking water, clean clothes, essential food, and medical supplies, as well as establishing temporary clinics to treat the wounded, given the destruction or overcrowding of hospitals.

Despite the importance of this type of aid, Jasmi Johari, Head of Operations for Ihsan, believes that the main obstacle to Malaysian support is not political or economic pressure but rather the geographical distance. This distance makes every aid operation very costly and fraught with the risk of failure, due to food spoilage or the expiration of medical supplies, particularly with the closure of the Rafah crossing. As a result, humanitarian workers have resorted to preparing aid in nearby countries. For example, Ihsan prepared 60,000 food baskets in Cairo and sent them to Gaza.

Wounded of the War on Malaysian Soil

The latest step in Malaysian efforts was the transfer of 41 wounded Palestinians from Egypt to Malaysian hospitals for medical care, accompanied by 86 of their relatives, including 19 children under the age of 12. The ages of the wounded range from eight months to 62 years. In an interview with “Metras,” Abdullah Bashir Abdul Rabbo, one of the injured Palestinians transferred to Malaysia, spoke about his treatment journey. He and his mother were selected based on their ability to endure a 19-hour long flight. Abdullah suffers from the amputation of his right foot, severed tendons in his right forearm, stiffness in his left-hand fingers, and blocked tendons. His mother suffers from heart disease, high blood pressure, and fluid in her lungs. Abdullah was injured when Israeli forces bombed the Halima Al-Sa’diya School in Jabalia, northern Gaza. He is currently preparing for physiotherapy sessions in Malaysian centers, with the aim of receiving prosthetic limbs in the future. Abdullah highlighted the warm reception from the Malaysian authorities, particularly their approval for them to travel using only personal identification cards, along with the medical care and welcoming attitude from various organizations.

“Let Him Go and Become the Prime Minister of Palestine”

Despite widespread agreement among Malaysian society to support the Palestinian people, the government’s decision to receive wounded Palestinians faced various criticisms and incitement campaigns. Some attacked the Prime Minister, saying, “Let him go and become the Prime Minister of Palestine.” The government was accused of neglecting its own people in favor of bringing in Palestinian wounded. Humanitarian organizations were also criticized for allegedly prioritizing medical treatment for Palestinians over Malaysians, and media outlets spread inciting material against Palestinians, portraying their presence in Malaysia as entangling the country in an unnecessary conflict.

In response to this campaign, Wong Chun Wai, Chairman of the Board of the Malaysian National News Agency, argued in an article that “receiving 41 wounded out of 77,000 injured due to genocide makes the criticism illogical.” Malaysia is not the only country providing medical assistance to Palestinians; Egypt, Jordan, and Turkey have also done the same. He added that Malaysia has historically welcomed refugees, including 250,000 Vietnamese refugees, as well as Syrians and Bosnians during their respective crises.

In response to accusations of neglecting local needs, Wong pointed to the allocation of 41.2 billion Malaysian Ringgit (approximately 96.94 billion US dollars) in the 2024 budget, a 13% increase from the previous year. Additionally, Malaysia saw a 4.9% rise in average wages, and the Ringgit recorded the best performance in Asia.

Faraj Hanini, President of the Palestinian Students Association, viewed the criticism as a sign of the failure of external pressures to divert Malaysian policy away from the Palestinian cause. He remarked that playing on the “race and minority” card is a sensitive issue in Malaysian society, which strives to close any gaps in this area and unite to strengthen its regional and international standing. Hanini noted that the occupation and its allies “do not play openly,” so it’s very likely that recent criticisms were driven by external parties. However, he dismissed the idea that these criticisms would impact Malaysian activism in supporting Palestine or dampen its enthusiasm. He did suggest, however, that such criticisms might lead to a “reassessment” of this support, possibly followed by a campaign to highlight the government’s domestic achievements alongside its international efforts, or by expanding public support to better reflect Malaysia’s ethnic diversity.

In conclusion, Malaysia’s political system has historically based its support for Palestine on three key principles: first, Islam, which unites the Malay people with the Palestinians; second, the shared experience of British colonialism, which imposed similar forms of oppression on both Malaya and Palestine; and third, Malaysia’s connection with Arab and Islamic countries after gaining independence, along with its partnership in several international organizations such as the Non Aligned Movement and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).

During the “Liberate Palestine” festival, organized in partnership between the government and various organizations to condemn the assassination of Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh, Minister Seri Johari recalled his last meeting with Haniyeh in Tehran. At that meeting, Haniyeh asked him about Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim and said, “Return to Anwar and tell him to continue his noble struggle.” Following that, Ibrahim pledged that he “will not give up,” swearing with more than 20,000 Malaysians participating in the event that they would continue to support and advocate for Palestine until it achieves freedom and victory.

Source: Sujoud Awais, Metras Website & Agencies

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