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Story of PCOM



On 14 February 2011, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad officially launched the foundation of PCOM at Kompleks Seni Islam, Shah Alam, Selangor. As a foundation, PCOM is overseen by a Board of Trustees, which represents the different components of the Malaysian society. The launching ceremony was attended alongside Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad; by Tan Sri Dr. Syed Hamid Albar, Dato’ Seri Dr. Ahmad Hamidi, Members of Board of Trustees as well as some foreign delegates including Bapak Anis Matta, The Deputy Speaker of Indonesian Parliament and several Palestinian political and civil society leaders.


Message from YAB Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad Prime Minister of Malaysia

We contribute a lot towards preservation of the Palestinians culture, which will never be allowed to disappear because that is the mission of the Zionists, to occupy the whole of Palestine and to erase the identity of the Palestinians, with violent means when necessary. In fact, they will use violence even when it is not necessary. We in Malaysia, we live in comfort, no oppression, we live in a good tract, we are not starving, we don’t see that kind of scenes that we saw in the video clip just now.Oneday, maybe in the future, we don’t have to face those kinds of situation then a person you will feel the need of friend from other places. Because today we are free from oppression. We are living in a free country. We enjoy a good life, no shortage on anything. So, we may sometimes forget the substances about brothers.As Muslim we are brothers.We agree to show the whole world that we are brothers,we shoe it by helping Palestinian in particular to preserve their culture,their identity and God willing.Inshallah we will success.I with pleasure launch the Palestinian Cultural Organization Malaysia (PCOM).


Message from Dato’ Seri Dr. Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia.

PCOM as a Palestinian-Malaysian NGO is showing a unique example of unity over division, understanding over disagreement, and harmony over differences, for a free Palestine.
I am very glad to see several political leaders come together in one board and one team to form PCOM, and show our Palestinian brothers and sisters and the rest of the world that we Malaysians are all united in supporting their struggle, and we are willing to put aside any differences for the sake of Al-Aqsa and Palestine.
We had Tun Dr. Mahathir officiating the launching of PCOM in 2011, and we will continue the support by all means possible. Today,PCOM is playing significant role by building cross culture understanding between Palestine and Malaysia,rising awareness about the Palestine issues,reaching out Malaysian officials and political parties to mobilize political support for the Palestinian rights.

PCOM is also facilitating interests of the Palestinian community and refugees in Malaysia by providing humanitarian support, training programs, educational opportunities, social activities and events. Proudly to say, PCOM has been successfully able to mediate and coordinate efforts and strengthen the ties between the two nations in support to the Palestinian cause. I, therefore, urge and encourage all Malaysian institutions, either governmental or non-governmental organization to work and coordinate with PCOM. We Malaysians need to carry on and increase our support to Palestine, and I believe PCOM has the trustworthy and ability to facilitate this support, as well as to bridge the gap and connect both Palestinians and Malaysians more and more. 


Message from Dr. Muslim Imran, Former Chairman of PCOM

The Malaysian commitment paved the way for PCOM to help promote the struggle among the various groups in Malaysia. PCOM’s role was mainly to translate the sympathies of Malaysian society towards Palestine into practical projects and activities. Therefore, the organization continued to lobby and rally all quarters to bridge any gaps between the two nations and connect the peoples and institutions of both nations together.The theme upon which PCOM was founded has always been: uniting the Ummah and mobilizing all its capacities for the sake of Jerusalem and Palestine. We always believed in the saying: Bersatu kita teguh dan bercerai kita roboh! This theme has become so essential, especially after the latest Zionist campaign to transform the Palestinian identity of the city of Jerusalem into a Zionist one.  This profile tries briefly introducing PCOM to the reader with the hope that this brief content will invite new friends and supporters to join the struggle for a free Palestine. Thank you!


Message from Mr. Badereddin Seyam Chairman of PCOM

The Malaysian people have always shown a keen interest in advancing the Palestinian struggle and supporting the Palestinians people. This can be easily seen in the huge contributions the Malaysian civil society groups have made over the years. It can also be seen in the consistent stand the different Malaysian governments have maintained in solidarity and support of the Palestinians struggle.

The Palestinian struggle is a long struggle that is rooted deep in history. However, the Palestinian people continued to prove to the world that they are not going to give up their rights. Their resistance and persistence continued throughout the years. We will continue to be bold about the Palestinian issue. We will continue to mobilize all of the Malaysian diplomatic and political capabilities in the service of this just cause. Malaysia has been a strong supporter of the Palestinian rights and struggle and we believe it will continue to do so.