Open Hours Mon - Fri: 9.00 am - 6.00 pm

Our Area of Intrest

Culture and Awareness

Building cross-cultural understanding between Palestine and Malaysia and promoting the true image of the Palestinian struggle by organizing seminars, lectures, training, publications, exhibitions, social media interaction and other events, to enable the receivers to become more familiar with Palestinian culture and raise awareness about the Palestinian issue.

Education and Research

Strengthening relationships between Palestinian and Malaysian educational institutions, research centers, academicians and students through educational scholarships and funding, research projects and publications, research resources and training opportunities.

Media and Information

Informing the Malaysian people on the roots of the Palestinian cause and related ongoing events. The mission of media is delivered through media interviews, productions, publications, digital media and others

Political Networking

Setting up constructive and open dialogue with Malaysian officials and political parties by conducting visits and activities with the Malaysian Parliament and MPs, government officials, Malaysian political leaders, diplomatic institutions, to mobilize support in favor of the Palestinian rights.

Palestinian Community Affairs

Maintaining and facilitating interests of the Palestinian community in Malaysia (including students, refugees, and expatriates) by providing humanitarian support, youth and children empowerment programs, educational opportunities, health aid, social activities and events, as well as legal advice.

NGO Communication

PCOM has been advancing closer mutual coordination between Malaysian and Palestinian NGOs, with the goal of integrating the various efforts to achieve maximum benefit for both nations.

Humanitarian Aid

Facilitating Malaysian humanitarian aid in Palestine through an extensive network of contacts inside Palestine and in the diaspora. PCOM is also involved in promoting humanitarian activities in Malaysia especially in the areas affected by natural disasters.