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Category: Operation Al-Aqsa Flood “Taufan” Reports

Operation Al-Aqsa Flood “Taufan” Daily Report (11)

Gaza Humanitarian Crisis Escalates: Daily Update on Ongoing Israeli Aggression

The condition in Gaza is worsening as the residents endure the 11th consecutive day of relentless attacks by Israeli occupation forces. The humanitarian crisis is severe due to Israel’s complete blockade of the region, which is preventing the delivery of essential items such as food, water, medical resources, and fuel into the Gaza Strip.

In the southern Bureij region, which the Israeli occupation forces had designated as a ‘safe’ zone for civilians to seek refuge, a massacre occurred in a school where refugees had taken shelter. In Khan Younis, another family was targeted by an airstrike, resulting in the death of 30 people as their house collapsed on top of them. These daily atrocities demonstrate a clear pattern of civilians being targeted in their homes, schools, and public streets.

According to Palestinian media reports, at least 71 Palestinians have been killed and dozens wounded in airstrikes hitting homes in Rafah and Khan Younis, both located in the southern part of Gaza. Shockingly, all of these casualties occurred in areas that were designated as “safe” zones by the Israeli army, where people had been directed to seek refuge. This disturbing pattern has emerged whereby the Israeli army instructs residents to flee to these areas only to subsequently bomb them.

As ambulances struggle to rescue survivors from the rubble and transport them to overcrowded hospitals, medical teams anticipate a rising death toll as many people remain trapped. Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis, for instance, is overwhelmed, facing a shortage of medical supplies and urgently requesting a humanitarian corridor and medical assistance to cope with the overwhelming number of patients.

The daily update from the Government Media Office regarding the tally of the Israeli occupation’s ongoing aggression on Gaza for the eleventh consecutive day is as follows:

The occupation has committed 394 massacres against Palestinian families since the beginning of its aggression on Gaza on October 7th of this year, resulting in the martyrdom of 2,136 lives, with over 65% of them being women and children.

In the last 24 hours, 198 individuals have been martyred, and 575 citizens have been injured.

The total number of healthcare personnel martyred since the start of the aggression is 37, including doctors, nurses, and paramedics.

The number of child martyrs has risen to 940 boys and 1,032 girls.

33 healthcare facilities have ceased to function, and the occupation has taken 23 ambulances out of service through direct bombardment.

The occupation continues to target educational institutions. The Ministry of Education has documented damage to 153 schools, with 18 schools now out of service.

The occupation has completely demolished 4,500 residential buildings, comprising 12,000 housing units. Moreover, approximately 113,300 housing units have suffered partial damage, with 8,190 units rendered uninhabitable.

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Operation Al-Aqsa Flood “Taufan” Daily Report (10)

The Tragedy of Palestinian Families in the Face of Israeli Aggression

In an official statement released by the Government Media Office, it has been reported that, since the onset of the Al-Aqsa Flood, the occupying forces have committed 371 atrocities against Palestinian families, relentlessly bombarding their residences without any prior warning or notification. These harrowing acts have led to the martyrdom of 1981 lives, with a significant majority comprising children and women.

Furthermore, the number of martyrs in these massacres varied, with as few as three martyrs in the smallest incidents, such as the Raddwan, Abu Al-Raish, and Alwan families, and 42 martyrs in the Al-Najjar family massacre. Some of these families have been completely removed from the civil registry, as was the case with families like Shihab, Al-Najjar, Moukaranah, Noufal, and Dalou.

This surge in the frequency of massacres over a short period underscores the inhumanity and brutality of the Israeli occupation, epitomized by relentless and indiscriminate bombings targeting entire residential neighbourhoods. It also sheds light on the international community’s inaction, as it has largely remained silent in the face of these heinous crimes against innocent civilians.

Additionally, the government’s media office has declared that the Israeli occupation’s bombing of the Civil Defense headquarters, resulting in the martyrdom of five of its team members and the injury of eight others, constitutes a new war crime that necessitates accountability, prosecution, and punishment. The government’s media office highlighted that the Civil Defense is a civilian entity providing rescue and firefighting services, and its teams have been targeted multiple times during their field missions since the beginning of the aggression.

Instead of responding to the international call for assistance issued by the Civil Defense just hours before, requesting the necessary rescue equipment and devices to extract hundreds of martyrs and expedite the evacuation of the injured from beneath the rubble of the demolished buildings, the occupation directly targeted its headquarters, defying the world and disregarding all agreements that safeguard the protection of rescue teams and mandate the provision of necessary assistance to ensure the success of their missions.

This heinous crime demands a practical international response commensurate with its gravity, requiring immediate intervention from international organizations, foremost among them the International Committee of the Red Cross, to protect the Civil Defense teams and supply them with the required equipment to carry out their missions in rescuing the wounded and retrieving the martyrs.

Meanwhile, during a press conference held by the Ministry of Health, Dr Ashraf al-Qedra, the ministry’s spokesperson, stated, “Approximately 1200 reports of missing individuals trapped under the rubble of their homes have been recorded, including around 500 reports of missing children. We hope that some of them are still alive.” The Ministry of Health has also announced that the number of martyrs brought to hospitals has reached 2778 martyrs and 9938 wounded individuals as of now.

Moreover, between October 7 and October 15, Israel’s occupying forces detained close to 600 Palestinians in various regions, including the West Bank, Jerusalem, and ’48 occupied Palestine. Among those detained, six were children, as reported by the Addameer prisoners’ rights organization. On one specific Sunday night, Israel carried out a mass detention of 70 Palestinians, including two journalists, with 28 of them reportedly detained in Nablus, Ramallah, and Bethlehem, according to the Wafa News Agency.

Consequently, it is important to note that before the Al-Aqsa Flood operation, there were approximately 5,200 Palestinian detainees in Israeli prisons. Addameer has expressed concerns that Israel is engaged in widespread arbitrary detentions and inflicting collective punishments on Palestinian prisoners. This has included nighttime raids on homes over the past week, causing severe damage to personal property and posing threats of harm to detainees and their families, all while using excessive force. Additionally, the Israel Prison Service (IPS) cut off the electricity supply for four consecutive days in the notorious Naqab desert prison for Palestinian prisoners. In Nafha, Ramon, and Ofer prisons, Israeli prison officials disrupted the provision of both water and electricity to the prisoners.

In addition, visits from families and lawyers were prohibited, and the prison canteens remained shut, leaving the prisoners dependent on “two small and low-quality meals.” Further, prisoners who are affiliated with Hamas are segregated from the rest of the prisoners. According to Addameer, these worsening conditions can be attributed to the lack of international response to the occupation’s long-standing transgressions and the absence of any mechanism for holding it accountable.

In light of these developments, Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim has rejected Western pressure to condemn the Hamas movement and reaffirmed his government’s commitment to maintaining relations with the group. He noted that Western officials have consistently urged Malaysia to condemn Hamas, but his government disagrees with this approach. Anwar emphasized that Malaysia has had a pre-existing relationship with Hamas, and they intend to continue it. He highlighted that Hamas was democratically elected in Gaza, and the people in Gaza chose them as their leaders.

On his part, Colombia president Gustavo Petro has threatened to sever diplomatic ties with Israel after they halted military exports to Colombia. Petro’s response came in the wake of Israel’s suspension, triggered by his social media posts drawing parallels between Gaza and World War II concentration camps where Nazis killed millions of Jews and decrying what he termed the “genocide” of Palestinian civilians. Israeli spokesperson Lior Haiat commented that Petro’s statements support Hamas, fuel anti-Semitism, and affect the Israeli representation and the Jewish community in Colombia. In response, Israel took the initial step of suspending security exports to Colombia, including the supply of unassembled Galil rifles. Petro, resolute in his stance, has emphasized his readiness to sever foreign relations with Israel, underlining his staunch opposition to any form of genocide.    

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Operation Al-Aqsa Flood “Taufan” Daily Report (9)

Escalating Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza: A Desperate Call for Aid Amidst Relentless Israeli Attacks

Israeli military aircraft and artillery continue intensive strikes on the Gaza Strip for the ninth consecutive day. The martyrs from the retaliatory strikes carried out by the Israeli occupying forces on the besieged Gaza Strip have risen to 2,329 Palestinians, with 9,042 wounded, including over 700 children. This comes amid a worsening humanitarian crisis due to Israel’s continuous targeting and the imposition of a stifling blockade, which has cut off water, electricity, and food for approximately two million people in Gaza. Gaza’s health ministry spokesperson, Ashraf al-Qedra, reported that the past 24 hours were a perilous period since the commencement of Israel’s bombardment, with over 300 Palestinian martyrs. The ministry also revealed that, since October 7, 47 Palestinian families, totalling 500 individuals, including many children and infants, have been tragically wiped out due to Israeli airstrikes.

Al-Qedra characterized the ongoing events as a war of destruction, carried out against Gaza while the world kept watching in silence. Al Qedra, however, remains steadfast in the face of Israel’s threats to evacuate hospitals, asserting that their moral obligation compels them to continue their essential work. He also emphasized the importance of retaining the Jordan field hospital in Gaza and underscored the dire circumstances, where 70% of Palestinians are denied access to UNRWA services.  In response, the Gaza Ministry of Health vehemently calls for the immediate opening of a secure corridor to facilitate the delivery of aid, medical supplies, and fuel to the Gaza Strip. He also urged the international community to intervene and expedite the evacuation of the wounded and sick through a safe corridor for treatment outside the Gaza Strip.

Amidst the ongoing aggression in Gaza, a dire situation is unfolding as hospitals, already operating at full capacity, grapple with the overwhelming influx of bodies. Traditional burial practices have become nearly impossible due to relentless Israeli airstrikes that are demolishing homes and inflicting mass casualties upon the Palestinian people. The number of martyrs, primarily civilians, including women and children, is rising rapidly, a result of the intense bombardment of residential structures and the targeting of those seeking refuge after fleeing their homes. As a consequence, cemeteries are overwhelmed, and the journey to reach burial sites is fraught with the constant threat of airstrikes.

Additionally, Euro-Med Monitor, a human rights organization, has documented that Israel is claiming the lives of an average of 14 Palestinians every hour in Gaza. Furthermore, since October 7, Israel has unleashed devastation equivalent to a quarter of a nuclear bomb on Gaza. Gaza is one of the most densely populated areas globally, with 2.3 million Palestinians, including half of whom are children, residing in a compact region of approximately 139 square miles. The impact of Israel’s attacks extends to the destruction of 2,650 residential buildings, 65 government structures, and 18 mosques, as reported by Euro-Med Monitor. Moreover, these assaults have caused extensive damage to around 70,000 residential units, 71 schools, 145 industrial facilities, 61 media offices, and multiple historic churches and mosques.

Furthermore, the representative of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) for Palestine, Dominic Allen, expressed that the situation for the 50,000 pregnant women in Gaza is a distressing ordeal, as the healthcare system in the region teeters on the brink of collapse. In an interview with CNN, Allen described their circumstances as a “nightmare,” and he noted that these women are grappling with unimaginable difficulties. Among the 50,000 expectant mothers, approximately 5,000 are expected to give birth next month, some of whom may encounter complications. Allen went on to illustrate the daunting challenges they face, envisioning the experience of navigating the final stages of pregnancy, with possible medical issues, while lacking essential resources such as clothing, hygiene, and support. Moreover, uncertainty looms over what the next day, hour, or minute may hold for both these mothers and their unborn children.

A delegation from the Islamic Resistance Movement “Hamas,” led by the Head of the Political Bureau, Ismail Haniyeh, held discussions on the latest developments in Gaza with the Iranian Foreign Minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, and a high-level Iranian delegation in the Qatari capital, Doha. Hamas, in a statement reported by Anadolu Agency on Sunday, indicated that the two delegations agreed to continue their collaboration to achieve the goals of the resistance and the entire Palestinian people. Haniyeh elaborated on the motives that led to the “Al-Aqsa Flood” battle, especially the Israeli occupation’s behaviour towards Al-Quds and Masjid Al-Aqsa, its attempts to Judaize and divide the area, and its policies of massacres, assassinations, and settlement activities in the West Bank.

Haniyeh also informed the Iranian delegation about the daily crimes against prisoners in Israeli jails, their ongoing suffering, the continuous blockade of Gaza for 16 years, and the denial of all political rights to the Palestinian people, emphasizing that “after this battle, there will be a new era in the Palestinian cause and resistance, fundamentally altering the status quo.” The Iranian Foreign Minister, in turn, briefed Haniyeh and the Hamas delegation on the outcomes of his regional tour and his meetings and contacts with officials from regional and international parties to halt the attacks on Gaza. He emphasized Tehran’s unwavering support for the Palestinian cause, the Palestinian people, their resistance, and their steadfastness.

On Sunday, both Morocco and Tunisia saw significant demonstrations in solidarity with Gaza, denouncing the Israeli occupation’s aggression. In Morocco, a massive rally was held in Rabat under the theme “Moroccan People with Al-Aqsa Flood and Against Normalization.” Tens of thousands of Moroccans expressed their strong condemnation of Israel’s attacks on Gaza, raising Palestinian and Moroccan flags, and displaying images of Al-Aqsa Mosque. Similar demonstrations took place in Tunisia, and earlier, Tunisia announced sending a military aircraft loaded with approximately 12 tons of medical supplies for Palestinians in Gaza. The solidarity protests and aid shipments aimed to support Gaza amid the ongoing Israeli aggressions.

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Operation Al-Aqsa Flood “Taufan” Daily Report (8)

Uncovering the Full Scale of Tragedy in Palestine: Ongoing Israeli Aggression

In Gaza, the number of martyrs exceeded 2,215, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health. This includes 724 children and 458 women, with over 8,714 reported injuries, including 2,450 children and 1,536 women. An alarming 420,000 people have been displaced, according to UNICEF, threatening around 1.1 million residents in Gaza City and northern Gaza with forced evacuation. Salama Marouf, Head of the Government Media Office, reported that the healthcare system has been severely affected as 15 medical personnel have been martyred, and 27 others injured. Multiple healthcare facilities, including 23 ambulances, 15 hospitals, and various medical centres, have been targeted and damaged, rendering many inoperative. Marouf also noted that journalists have also been casualties, with 10 journalists martyred, 20 injured, and 30 reported missing.

The destruction extends to communication infrastructure, as the central communications company building was bombed, disrupting phone networks and cellular towers, and leading to a near-total internet shutdown.  Marouf also expressed concerns about the withdrawal of some field hospitals in Gaza, highlighting their importance during these critical times. He raised concerns about UNRWA’s withdrawal from southern Gaza and its failure to provide services to displaced individuals, particularly refugees. The situation remains dire, with a growing humanitarian catastrophe in the making.

In the West Bank, Marouf reported that 53 people have been martyred, and over 1,100 injured in the ongoing confrontations with occupation forces. The situation is marked by daily demonstrations and confrontations in various cities and refugee camps. According to the Palestinian Prisoners Club, 400 Palestinians in the West Bank were detained in the past week, with 40 detentions occurring on Saturday alone. Among those detained, Al Jazeera reports that some are Hamas leaders. A debate is underway among Israeli politicians regarding the possibility of cutting off electricity and water services to political prisoners. Human rights organizations argue that such measures would be regarded as collective punishment, deemed illegal and constituting a form of torture.

Amidst this, Israeli forces carried out a deliberate shelling attack on journalists in Alma al-Shaab, located in southern Lebanon near the Israeli border. This incident resulted in the murder of one journalist, Issam Abdallah, who worked as a videographer for Reuters and left six others injured. Mazen Ibrahim, the chief of the Al Jazeera Lebanon Bureau, was an eyewitness to the attack and stated, “I can confirm that journalists were intentionally targeted.” He emphasized that the journalists were positioned at a considerable distance from the ongoing confrontations, all of them wearing their safety gear and prominently displaying press identification on their clothing and vehicles.

Hamas’ al-Qassam Brigades, in a series of statements on Saturday, declared their continued targeting of Israeli military sites and occupied cities with rockets and artillery. This escalation came in response to ongoing Israeli attacks on Gaza’s civilian people. Around 5:00 PM, al-Qassam Brigades specifically targeted the “Ben Gurion” Airport. They also directed barrages of rockets towards groupings of occupation forces in the “Nirim” kibbutz. Subsequently, they declared the launch of rockets directed towards “Be’er Shava” in the eastern region of Gaza, along with targeting “Ashkalan,” “Sderot,” and “Tel Aviv” in the northern area of the Strip.

As a direct consequence of Israel’s indiscriminate airstrikes on the Gaza Strip, nine captives lost their lives, and among them, four individuals held dual citizenship. This number increased the total death toll to 22 out of the approximately 150 war prisoners, including Israelis, foreigners, and individuals with dual nationality, who were taken captive by Hamas fighters on October 7. This outcome is the result of a significant military and intelligence failure experienced by the Israeli occupation last Saturday. In response to this failure, the occupation forces have shifted their focus, making civilians, journalists, hospitals, and emergency services the primary targets in the Gaza Strip.

Earlier today, reports emerged of a protest staged by family members of Israelis held captive by the Palestinian Resistance during Operation Al-Aqsa Flood. The protest took place outside the Israeli Security Ministry in “Tel Aviv,” where demonstrators blocked “Kaplan Street.” Expressing their frustration, protesters directed their anger at Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, questioning the whereabouts of the army and his son, suggesting the latter might be in Miami, and highlighting the absence of leadership on the frontlines with their captured relatives.

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Operation Al-Aqsa Flood “Taufan” Daily Report (7)

Demonstrations Denounce Israeli Aggression and Support Palestine

In numerous countries, including Malaysia, Indonesia, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Yemen, and various Arab and Islamic nations, hundreds of thousands of people have come together in protests to voice their strong condemnation of Israeli occupation aggression in Gaza and demonstrate their unwavering solidarity with al-Aqsa.

In Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, hundreds of protestors gathered to show their solidarity with the Palestinian people in Gaza against the ongoing Israeli aggression. Meanwhile, in Jordan, on a day dubbed “Friday of Al-Aqsa Flood,” many cities witnessed a surge of protests where vast crowds marched toward the border with occupied Palestine, vehemently denouncing the ongoing atrocities in Gaza and the renewed efforts to displace the remaining residents. The Jordanian security forces exerted additional efforts to maintain control over the demonstrators, and video footage circulating online depicted protesters abandoning their vehicles due to traffic congestion and continuing on foot.

Similarly, Yemen saw significant gatherings that manifested their solidarity with Palestine and the Resistance’s fight against the occupation’s crimes. Organizers issued a statement reflecting the Yemeni people’s readiness to actively participate and their willingness to deploy hundreds of thousands of fighters in defence of Palestine.

Responding to the Resistance’s call, thousands of Iraqis convened in Tahrir Square to vehemently protest and condemn the occupation’s actions in Gaza. In a related context, the Russia Today (RT) channel shared a video clip showcasing Russian citizens expressing their solidarity with Palestine by adorning the entrance of the Palestinian embassy in Moscow with flowers and children’s toys. Furthermore, reports from Pakistan revealed that thousands engaged in protests in the capital city of Islamabad, standing in unwavering solidarity with the Palestinian people and supporting the Palestinian Resistance.

Amid widespread demonstrations in support of Gaza and in protest of Israeli aggression on the Strip, nine Palestinians lost their lives during confrontations with Israeli occupation forces in the West Bank. This recent tragic development has raised the total number of Palestinians martyred in the West Bank to 44 since last Saturday.

Regrettably, the Palestinian medical sources announced the martyrdom of a 14-year-old child named Amir Mlitat, who was fatally shot in the head by Israeli occupation forces near the Beit Furik military checkpoint east of Nablus. Furthermore, in the course of confrontations with Israeli occupation forces across the West Bank, three Palestinians lost their lives in Tulkarm, one in al-Khalil, and one in Beit Lahm. The martyrdom locations of the remaining Palestinians were not yet disclosed by the Health Ministry.

The Israeli occupation forces persist in carrying out massacres against Palestinian families in the Gaza Strip, including children under six years old, in a blatant violation of fundamental human values. As per the most recent data provided by the Palestinian Ministry of Health, the Israeli aggression on Gaza has resulted in the martyrdom of 1,800 Palestinian people, with 583 of them being children and 351 women, and 6,612 individuals wounded, including 1,644 children.

On Friday, Israeli occupation warplanes persisted in launching airstrikes on residential neighbourhoods within the Gaza Strip, resulting in extensive damage and casualties. Simultaneously, rescue operations are actively ongoing to retrieve the bodies of numerous martyrs and provide assistance to those wounded as a result of this ongoing aggression. Social media platforms have been inundated with harrowing video clips and deeply distressing images depicting children who have become victims of this criminal occupation. Some of these children were rescued from the debris of their homes, which had been struck by barbaric Israeli airstrikes, while other heart-wrenching images revealed children resting in mortuary freezers. These photos underscore the scale of the atrocities committed by the Israeli occupation, with innocent lives tragically extinguished as they were targeted alongside their families by heavy missiles.

For the survivors, life is marked by severe hardships due to a total blockade and the looming threat of an Israeli ground invasion. The spokesperson of the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza, Ashraf al-Qidra, stated that the health sector in Gaza is in a state of collapse as medical supplies dwindle amid power outages. Al-Qidra emphasized that “medications are critically low, forcing patients and injured individuals in Gaza’s hospitals to lie on the floor due to a shortage of beds in the intensive care units, while lines of patients wait outside the operating rooms.”

Abu Obeida, the spokesperson for the Al-Qassam Brigades, provided an update on the progress of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, assuring that the Resistance still possesses substantial resources for the upcoming hours and days.  He stated, “Our adversary, though displaying cowardice, lacks the strength to compel our people to relinquish their homeland.” Abu Obeida emphatically declared that the concept of forced displacement does not apply to them, except in the context of their occupied cities. He urged the Palestinian people to remain resolute and unwavering in the face of Zionist threats.

In a speech, Abu Ubaida pointed out that their involvement in this battle is inextricably linked to the sacred Masjid Al-Aqsa. This profound connection drives their determination. Consequently, Operation Al-Aqsa Flood was meticulously planned, incorporating a comprehensive analysis of the operational area, including factors like terrain and weather and their potential impact. The Al-Qassam leadership has been tirelessly dedicated to this mission, with a singular and unwavering objective in mind. Notably, from the morning onward, the Al-Qassam Brigades have launched a substantial number of rockets at ‘Ashkelon’ (150 rockets) and ‘Sderot’ (50 rockets). They also targeted Ben Gurion Airport, underscoring the persistent potency of the Resistance’s weaponry.

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Operation Al-Aqsa Flood “Taufan” Daily Report (6)

Gaza’s Ongoing Suffering: A Call for Help and Solidarity

In Gaza, Israel’s relentless assault continued into the sixth day on Thursday, October 12, as Israeli airstrikes relentlessly targeted the Gaza Strip, day and night. Palestinian sources have sadly documented over 150 Palestinian lives lost on Thursday alone.

As confirmed by the Ministry of Health in Gaza, 28 entire Palestinian families had been lost as martyrs due to the Israeli airstrikes that commenced on Saturday. Regrettably, this count is anticipated to increase, given that more families are being discovered under the rubble.

The ministry further conveyed that 10 brave Palestinian medics and healthcare workers have lost their lives, among them four medics who were tragically killed on Wednesday when an Israeli airstrike deliberately struck their ambulance. Alarmingly, there have been 14 recorded assaults on hospitals and healthcare facilities in Gaza. With Israel’s suffocating blockade on Gaza, the sole power plant in the Strip ran out of fuel, causing panic among health authorities.

Gaza’s Health Ministry urgently conveyed, “Our hospitals are operating at maximum capacity. There is no room to accommodate those injured by the Israeli airstrikes.” They continued by stating, “The comprehensive blockade imposed by Israeli occupation forces on electricity, water, and fuel poses a grave threat to the lives of the wounded and the ill, giving rise to a severe health and environmental crisis.”

Furthermore, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) reported that 12 of its dedicated staff members lost their lives due to the Israeli airstrikes in Gaza. In addition, the agency disclosed that nearly 175,500 internally displaced individuals have sought refuge in 88 UNRWA schools across the Gaza Strip, and this number keeps rising as the airstrikes persist.

In the occupied West Bank, Israeli settlers bearing arms have been initiating assaults on Palestinian villages. Tragically, at least five Palestinians lost their lives between Wednesday and Thursday in the Nablus region due to these settler attacks. Simultaneously, Israeli forces conducted incursions into various parts of the West Bank, forcibly entering homes in the dead of night, resulting in the arrest of no less than 60 Palestinian individuals.

With the mounting death toll in Gaza reaching into the thousands, tangible steps toward de-escalation remain elusive. While there have been appeals for a ceasefire, prominent actors like the United States have persistently reaffirmed their backing for Israel. U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken’s arrival in Israel on Thursday only reinforced this stance, as he promised additional U.S. military support to Israel in the form of weapon reinforcements.

On Thursday evening, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, who leads the Fatah-led government in the West Bank and had largely maintained silence since the commencement of hostilities on Saturday, issued a statement denouncing the loss of civilian lives on “both sides.”

Around the moment President Abbas issued his statement, Saleh Al-Arouri, the Deputy Head of Hamas’s Political Bureau, made a live television appearance on Al Jazeera. During the interview, he revealed that Hamas had been taken aback when its fighters managed to seize control of Israeli military facilities encircling the Gaza Strip within the span of just three hours on Saturday.

“The military strategy of the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigade was aimed at specifically targeting the Gaza Division of the Israeli occupying army and engaging solely with occupation soldiers. It was not within our plan to cause harm or casualties among civilians, and it was truly unexpected that the Gaza Division would surrender in under 3 hours, a swifter outcome than we had anticipated,” stated al-Arouri.

He further asserted that Hamas initiated its operation based on intelligence indicating that Israel had intentions to launch an offensive assault against Gaza following the conclusion of the Jewish holidays.

“The incursion into the Gaza Strip was a meticulously planned operation, and the directives from the Qassam leadership were to attack the Gaza Division of the occupying army, which bears responsibility for all the injustices committed against our people,” al-Arouri stated.

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Operation Al-Aqsa Flood “Taufan” Daily Report (5)

Israeli Airstrikes Persist for the Fifth Day, Escalating the Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza

For five consecutive days, Israeli airstrikes continue to strike factories, shops, residential buildings, and even a university. This relentless assault has tragically led to the loss of over 1,100 Palestinian lives, with more than 5,300 individuals sustaining injuries, as reported by the Gaza Ministry of Health. Amid this dire situation, healthcare facilities in the region are now perilously close to collapse.

Additionally, the situation deteriorates as Gaza’s sole power plant is forced to shut down, casting the Strip into complete darkness. Furthermore, access to the internet and cell service remains severely limited, following Israel’s strike on the central company providing internet connectivity to Gaza City.

Israel’s plan is to cut off the Gaza Strip from internet and electricity so that the world can’t see the destruction it is causing in Gaza. Israeli occupation forces committed Horrific massacres in Rafah, Karamah, and western and eastern Shuja’iyyah. They also used white phosphorus bombs in western Gaza, which is prohibited internationally.

Further, the severe shortage of essential resources, such as water and food, in the region has led to a dire situation for the people. The scarcity of these basic necessities has left homes and supermarkets empty, leaving the local population struggling to obtain water for their daily needs.

To seek refuge from Israeli barbaric airstrikes, many have turned to using schools, which were once considered relatively secure. However, a troubling consequence has emerged as these shelters are now being targeted during the recent Israeli attacks. This has significantly increased the danger faced by the civilians in the region. Meanwhile, these shelters lack essential provisions such as food, water, and milk for the children in their care.

The al-Karamah neighbourhood in Gaza City has witnessed relentless airstrikes late Tuesday night and into Wednesday, resulting in the near-total destruction of numerous buildings. Tragically, entire families have fallen victim to these bombings, and many are believed to be trapped beneath the debris, with a significant number being women and children.

Attempts by medical personnel to reach al-Karamah were delayed due to the ongoing attacks, and when they eventually arrived, the Palestinian Health Ministry reported that they had been “attacked by Israel,” resulting in injuries to two medics. This has raised concerns that medics are being intentionally targeted by Israeli forces, as indicated by a spokesperson from the health ministry.

Gaza City has undergone a devastating transformation with widespread destruction. Streets, tall buildings, universities, and telecommunications have all been targeted and severely damaged. The deliberate targeting of roads, including those leading to the central hospital, al-Shifa’, has created obstacles for ambulances, as missiles have left massive craters, hindering their mobility. Israel’s National Security Minister, Itamar Ben Gvir, has announced the purchase of 10,000 rifles to arm civilian security teams, which includes residents of illegal West Bank settlements. This move involves the distribution of assault rifles, helmets, and bulletproof vests among Israeli settlers, raising concerns of exacerbating settler violence against Palestinians in the West Bank. Simultaneously, Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem continue to protest against Israel’s ongoing bombardment of Gaza and its prolonged occupation.

Since Saturday, Israeli forces have killed at least 19 Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, with 12 more injured by Israeli gunfire in confrontations on Tuesday alone. In a disturbing incident north of Jenin at the al-Jamaleh checkpoint, Israeli soldiers reportedly killed a Palestinian man and left three others injured without providing medical assistance.

At Huwwara checkpoint, south of Nablus, Israeli forces opened fire on a Palestinian taxi, injuring three men. Another grim incident took place in Silwan, where Israeli police shot and killed two Palestinians who had set off fireworks and thrown stones. Additionally, in Jericho, at least three individuals sustained injuries due to live fire from the Israeli occupation forces.

International forces intervene

In a national address, U.S. President Joe Biden reiterated his unwavering support for Israel without mentioning the current situation in Gaza. He emphasized the United States’ commitment to Israel’s defence, including the annual $3 billion in military aid. He also mentioned that the U.S. has deployed military assets closer to Israel and provided lethal weaponry.

Israel’s occupation forces received its initial shipment of U.S. ammunition, and the USS Gerald R Ford aircraft carrier arrived in the Eastern Mediterranean, as reported by U.S. Central Command.

Turkey strongly criticized these actions, questioning the purpose of the U.S. aircraft carrier in Israel and expressing concerns about potential consequences, including severe casualties due to actions in Gaza. Erdogan also condemned Israel’s blockade of Gaza as an international human rights violation.

Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, the leader of Yemen’s Houthi movement, warned of military responses, including missile and drone attacks, if the U.S. directly intervenes in Gaza.

In response to Biden’s address, Hamas pointed out the absence of acknowledgement of Israeli occupation forces’ deadly actions against Palestinians, describing Israel’s policies as “collective punishment” for the people in the Gaza Strip.

They called on the U.S. administration to reconsider its position and address the perceived double standard in favour of Israel. Hamas argued that these developments were a natural consequence of Israel’s repeated violations of Palestinian rights and criticized the international community’s silence and inability to fulfill obligations outlined in recognized resolutions.

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Operation Al-Aqsa Flood “Taufan” Daily Report (4)

The latest developments of the Israeli ongoing aggression on the Palestinian people

The Israeli occupation forces continue their airstrikes across the Gaza Strip and have ordered a complete cut-off of essential services, including water, electricity, and food, to the blockaded population of approximately 2.3 million people. As a result of these devastating airstrikes, numerous Palestinian families in Gaza have been forced to evacuate their homes, with Israeli strikes primarily targeting civilian areas and densely populated neighborhoods. Within the past 24 hours, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) has reported a significant surge in the displacement of Palestinian families, affecting over 187,518 individuals, according to data from the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.
In response to these Israeli actions that have displaced Palestinians in Gaza, Hamas’ AlQassam Brigades launched hundreds of missiles at occupied Askalan, shortly after the deadline of 5 p.m. local time for Zionist settlers in occupied Askalan to evacuate had passed.
The Palestinian Ministry of Health has grimly reported over 704 martyrs and more than 3,900 injuries in the Israeli aggression on Gaza. Tragically, this includes the loss of three journalists, Saeed Al-Taweel, Mohammad Sobh, and Hisham al-Nwajha, who were martyred in an Israeli bombing that struck the western Gaza Strip and resulted in the
destruction of a residential building. These casualties have occurred amid intensified Israeli strikes across Gaza, leading to significant civilian casualties, with hundreds martyred and thousands injured.
Abu Obeida, spokesperson for Hamas’ Al-Qassam Brigades, has accused Israeli forces of carrying out retaliatory attacks and war crimes against Gaza’s civilians, largely due to their battlefield failures. He issued a stern warning that any Israeli targeting of Palestinian homes without prior notice would result in the execution of an Israeli captive, firmly holding the Israeli occupation entity responsible for its actions. This warning followed more than ten recorded massacres in Gaza, some of which tragically resulted in the killing of entire families.
Furthermore, Hamas’ political bureau leader, Ismail Haniyeh, has made it clear that discussions on a prisoner exchange will not take place while Israeli attacks continue. He emphasized that negotiations would only occur under conditions deemed acceptable by the resistance and conveyed this stance to all involved parties. Haniyeh also underscored the Palestinians’ unwavering steadfastness during Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, highlighting their
resilience against Israeli attempts to sow division among them. Concurrently, Israeli forces have confirmed more casualties among their soldiers and released a new list of 38 personnel killed as the Palestinian Resistance’s Operation Al-Aqsa Flood reaches its fourth day. Reports indicate that the Israeli military is continuously updating its casualty list, with Israeli media suggesting a death toll of 1,000 Israelis in the
ongoing operation.

International and Arab Support for Operation Al-Aqsa Flood

  • Hundreds of Irish pro-Palestine activists protested at the Israeli embassy in Dublin, condemning the Gaza Strip bombings by Israeli Occupation Forces. They supported Palestinian rights to self-defence and praised the Palestinian Resistance. Irish Representative Richard Boyd Barrett criticized the double standards of the United States, European Union, and Ireland in supporting Ukraine but not fully supporting Palestinians’ right to resist occupation.
  • The leader of Yemen’s Ansar Allah movement, Sayyed Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, expressed strong support for Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, emphasizing it as a legitimate Palestinian decision that surprised both allies and enemies. Al-Houthi declared the readiness of the Yemeni people to mobilize in large numbers to stand with the Palestinians, even willing to participate in missile and drone strikes if the situation escalates with direct American military intervention. He criticized the absence of support from the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the Arab League and condemned the positions of some Arab countries that have normalized relations with Israel.
  • Iranian leader Seyyed Ali Khamenei declared that Operation Al-Aqsa Flood on October 7th marked an irreversible military and intelligence defeat for the Israeli occupation. He emphasized that this event had significantly damaged the structures of the usurping regime’s governance. Khamenei credited the Palestinians for this operation, asserting that it was a significant step toward liberating Palestine, and he warned against underestimating the Palestinian people. He also stated that the operation was a response to years of Israeli occupation crimes and that portraying the oppressor as the oppressed is unjustifiable.
  • North Korea’s state media, Rodong Sinmun, has accused the Israeli occupation of causing the brutal violence in Gaza. They cited foreign media reports and highlighted that the international community believes the conflict is a result of Israel’s ongoing criminal actions against the Palestinian people, emphasizing the need for an independent Palestinian state as a solution.

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Operation Al-Aqsa Flood “Taufan” Daily Report (3)

Destruction of 8 Mosques in Gaza Strip Due to the Brutal Occupation Bombardment

A high-ranking government official in the Gaza Strip condemned the direct targeting and complete destruction of mosques by the occupying Israeli forces. Abdul Hadi Al-Agha, Deputy Minister of Awqaf and Religious Affairs in Gaza, explained that the occupation is destroying mosques, disregarding all divine laws, as part of its policies that defy international norms and laws. He added, “The occupation does not care about any violations of humanity, and it targeted 18 mosques in the Gaza Strip, including 8 mosques that were completely demolished and 10 partially destroyed.” Al-Agha emphasized that this behaviour by the occupation is part of a series of crimes against the Palestinian people, and it is a forbidden act according to all divine laws. He pointed out that various international declarations related to international law and international agreements all stipulate the necessity of protecting places of worship. However, this occupation knows no boundaries or red lines; it commits all kinds of crimes. It is time for this enemy to reconsider and realize that our people will not accept being exposed to harm, as they have resisted since the beginning, and it must understand that this phase has come to an end, and today it must pay the price for these crimes.

Israeli Airstrikes on Gaza Result in the Martyrdom of 510 Individuals, Including 91 Children

On Monday, the Israeli occupation conducted a series of intense airstrikes on the Gaza Strip, deliberately targeting civilian residences and multiple mosques. According to the Palestinian Health Ministry, the Israeli brutal aggression on Gaza resulted in the martyrdom of 436 individuals, including 91 children and 61 women. Additionally, 2,751 people were wounded, including 244 children and 151 women. Earlier, the Israeli occupation forces launched merciless and indiscriminate airstrikes on Gaza, employing thermobaric weapons and, notably, phosphorus bombs, which are prohibited under international law. In the meantime, Israeli media disclosed that a total of 1,000 tons of explosives have been deployed in Gaza up to this point. The number of displaced Palestinian civilians has risen to more than 123,000 as a result of the ongoing Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, in which Israeli airstrikes have destroyed 159 housing units across Gaza and severely damaged 1,210 others, according to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. Additionally, as reported by GLZ Radio, the security minister of the occupation, Yoav Gallant, has given instructions to cut off electricity, water, and food to Gaza. Gallant’s remarks exposed a harsh stance, as he referred to the Palestinians in Gaza as “human animals” and suggested that they would be treated accordingly. The Ministry of Health in Gaza mentioned that the closure of the border crossings, blocking the access of medical resources, and halting of the power station’s operations foreshadow a looming disaster of humanitarian, health, and environmental proportions.

Deliberate Erasure of Entire Palestinian Families by Israel

The Israeli occupation forces carried out a brutal massacre in Rafah, Gaza Strip, on Monday morning, targeting residential buildings and ruthlessly killing an entire family in the southern part of the Strip. The extensive shelling by the occupation resulted in a significant number of casualties, including both martyrs and wounded individuals. Airstrikes continued in the northeastern and northwestern regions of the Gaza Strip, presenting substantial challenges for civil defence teams tasked with rescuing injured individuals trapped beneath the rubble of targeted homes and structures. Further, throughout the night, Israeli occupation warplanes launched violent and indiscriminate airstrikes on various areas of the Gaza Strip, including residential homes, mosques, and public institutions. Additionally, the Israeli occupation forces conducted aggressive airstrikes on a residence in Beit Lahia, as well as in the Karama area and the al-Tuffah neighbourhood east of Gaza City. Another series of airstrikes targeted a house in the Musabah area in Rafah, with another strike affecting the Sheikh Ahmad Yassin Mosque in the al-Shati’ refugee camp west of Gaza, resulting in damage to nearby residences. The family home of martyr Ibrahim Hamdan in the Tel al-Zaatar district of the Jabaliya refugee camp in northern Gaza was also subjected to an attack, causing damage to several adjacent houses and leaving the fate of its inhabitants uncertain. Furthermore, first responders managed to evacuate multiple casualties and martyrs from the Shati refugee camp after the targeting of the Sheikh Ahmed Yassin Mosque, while another group of injured individuals and martyrs were evacuated following the airstrike on a house in Tel al-Zaatar. Airstrikes continue in Beit Hanoun, northern Gaza, making it impossible for ambulance teams to reach the targeted areas. Additionally, several main roads have been destroyed as a result of Israeli bombardment. in the Jabalia refugee camp, in the northern Gaza Strip, Israeli occupation warplanes committed a heinous massacre claiming the lives of more than 50 Palestinian civilians in cold blood.

Israeli Media Reports Over 1,000 Dead and 150 Captives with Hamas

According to the Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth, recent estimates indicate that the Israeli death toll has reached 1,000. Additionally, the Palestinian Resistance in Gaza has reportedly captured more than 150 prisoners. The newspaper highlighted that among the killed were 73 soldiers, including five from the elite Golani Brigade, as well as several high-ranking military commanders. This includes Colonel Roi Levy, Colonel Jonathan Steinberg (who served as the commander of the Nahal Brigade), the commander of the communications battalion, the deputy commander of the Maglan unit, a company commander, a platoon commander in the Home Front Command, the commander of the 481st Computer Battalion, and a crew commander in the Duvdovan unit.

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Operation Al-Aqsa Flood “Taufan” Daily Report (2)

Israeli Media Reports Israeli Death Toll Approaching 1,000

Israeli news outlets reported on Sunday that the Israeli death toll has climbed to 600, with 2,000 individuals wounded, including 350 in a critical and dire state. The Israeli media also disclosed that among the casualties is Colonel Roi Levy, the commander of the elite Israeli Multidimensional unit, commonly known as the Ghost unit. Reports from the media also indicated that the number of fatalities is approaching 1,000, with a mention of several settlers still missing and an unspecified number of settlers relocated to the Gaza Strip. On Saturday, the Israeli occupation army acknowledged the loss of Colonel Jonathan Steinberg, the commanding officer of the Nahal Infantry Brigade, during clashes with Palestinian Resistance fighters in the vicinity of the “Kerem Shalom” area near the Gaza Strip. Earlier on Sunday, Israeli media relayed that 15 Israeli settlers were fatally shot by Palestinian Resistance fighters in the occupied city of Askalan. The Jerusalem Post pointed out that Palestinian Resistance fighters managed to breach an area between Route 4 and “Mafkim,” to the south of Askalan, near the Gaza Strip. Abu Obeida, the military spokesperson of al-Qassam Brigades, affirmed that the Brigades’ fighters continue to valiantly and resolutely engage with Israeli occupation forces on multiple fronts, inflicting losses on the enemy. He also verified that al-Qassam Brigades’ leadership has been able to replace some of its forces in the occupied Palestinian territories, highlighting the successful execution of several infiltration operations in recent hours. Hamas, for its part, issued a call for a general mobilization, urging resistance against the Israeli occupation in all areas and the disruption of settlers’ bypass routes.

Israeli Media Attribute ‘Israel’s’ Crisis and Failure to Netanyahu

In its editorial on Sunday, the Israeli occupation’s Haaretz newspaper placed the responsibility for the disaster that occurred in Israel during Sukkot squarely on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The editorial pointed out that Netanyahu is expected to try to shift the blame onto the Army, Aman (military intelligence), and the Shin Bet. Haaretz’s editorial also highlighted that the prime minister, who once boasted of his extensive political experience and his unique acumen in security matters, completely failed to perceive the peril he knowingly exposed the country to. This occurred when he formed a government focused on annexation and expropriation, appointed Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben-Gvir to key positions, and pursued a foreign policy that openly disregarded the presence and rights of the Palestinians.

Al-Qassam Brigades Conducts Beach Landing Operation in Occupied Territories

According to a statement by the al-Qassam Brigades, five speedboats transported their navy commandos from Gaza to the occupied territories during the initial phase of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood on Saturday. The statement explained that these special forces successfully conducted a beach landing to the south of Askalan, where they gained control of multiple areas. These fighters engaged and confronted their targets, resulting in significant losses for the enemy. Some of these fighters continued to engage with occupation forces for over 30 hours since the operation commenced, as mentioned in the statement.

Palestinian Ministry of Health Reports 370 Martyrs and 2,200 Injured in Israeli Airstrikes

The Palestinian Health Ministry has reported that the toll of casualties resulting from Israeli airstrikes in the Gaza Strip on Sunday has risen to 370, with around 2,200 individuals sustaining injuries. In a statement, the health ministry provided an update, stating, “According to the data as of 4:15 p.m. local time [13:15 GMT], 370 citizens were martyred and 2,200 were injured in various degrees.”

Egyptian Policeman Shoots Israeli Tourists in Alexandria

On Sunday, local media reported that two Israelis were killed, and another was wounded by a police officer in Egypt, amid Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, which the Palestinian Resistance had initiated on Saturday against the Israeli occupation. The police officer fired “at random” using “his personal weapon” at an Israeli tour group visiting the Amud el-Sawari area, in Alexandria, northern Egypt, the state-affiliated private television Extra News reported, quoting a security source. The Egyptian police officer was immediately arrested, and it was confirmed that an Egyptian guide lost his life in the process. The Israeli occupation Foreign Ministry confirmed deaths in a statement, saying, “This morning during a visit of Israeli tourists in Alexandria, Egypt, a local opened fire at them, murdering two Israeli citizens.” The statement also noted the presence of a wounded Israeli in moderate condition.

Saada Prepared for Any Military Developments Against ‘Israel’

On Sunday, the city of Saada in Yemen witnessed a massive public rally in solidarity with Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, initiated by the Palestinian Resistance against the Israeli occupation on Saturday. During the rally, the crowd prominently displayed both Yemeni and Palestinian flags, along with banners and slogans that underlined the unwavering support of the Yemeni people for their Palestinian counterparts. They expressed solidarity with the Palestinian people’s courageous resistance in the face of the Israeli occupation’s arrogance and crimes. The statement released during the Saada rally affirmed its wholehearted endorsement of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, emphasizing that this operation represents a battle of utmost significance for the entire nation and all free people around the world. It symbolizes a time of reckoning for the humiliation of Israel. Furthermore, the statement declared readiness to adapt to any military or field developments necessary in the face of the Israeli enemy. It granted full authority to Ansar Allah leader Sayyed Abdul Malik al-Houthi to make strategic decisions for confronting the enemy at any time and in any location.

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