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Operation Al-Aqsa Flood “Taufan” Daily Report (2)

Israeli Media Reports Israeli Death Toll Approaching 1,000

Israeli news outlets reported on Sunday that the Israeli death toll has climbed to 600, with 2,000 individuals wounded, including 350 in a critical and dire state. The Israeli media also disclosed that among the casualties is Colonel Roi Levy, the commander of the elite Israeli Multidimensional unit, commonly known as the Ghost unit. Reports from the media also indicated that the number of fatalities is approaching 1,000, with a mention of several settlers still missing and an unspecified number of settlers relocated to the Gaza Strip. On Saturday, the Israeli occupation army acknowledged the loss of Colonel Jonathan Steinberg, the commanding officer of the Nahal Infantry Brigade, during clashes with Palestinian Resistance fighters in the vicinity of the “Kerem Shalom” area near the Gaza Strip. Earlier on Sunday, Israeli media relayed that 15 Israeli settlers were fatally shot by Palestinian Resistance fighters in the occupied city of Askalan. The Jerusalem Post pointed out that Palestinian Resistance fighters managed to breach an area between Route 4 and “Mafkim,” to the south of Askalan, near the Gaza Strip. Abu Obeida, the military spokesperson of al-Qassam Brigades, affirmed that the Brigades’ fighters continue to valiantly and resolutely engage with Israeli occupation forces on multiple fronts, inflicting losses on the enemy. He also verified that al-Qassam Brigades’ leadership has been able to replace some of its forces in the occupied Palestinian territories, highlighting the successful execution of several infiltration operations in recent hours. Hamas, for its part, issued a call for a general mobilization, urging resistance against the Israeli occupation in all areas and the disruption of settlers’ bypass routes.

Israeli Media Attribute ‘Israel’s’ Crisis and Failure to Netanyahu

In its editorial on Sunday, the Israeli occupation’s Haaretz newspaper placed the responsibility for the disaster that occurred in Israel during Sukkot squarely on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The editorial pointed out that Netanyahu is expected to try to shift the blame onto the Army, Aman (military intelligence), and the Shin Bet. Haaretz’s editorial also highlighted that the prime minister, who once boasted of his extensive political experience and his unique acumen in security matters, completely failed to perceive the peril he knowingly exposed the country to. This occurred when he formed a government focused on annexation and expropriation, appointed Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben-Gvir to key positions, and pursued a foreign policy that openly disregarded the presence and rights of the Palestinians.

Al-Qassam Brigades Conducts Beach Landing Operation in Occupied Territories

According to a statement by the al-Qassam Brigades, five speedboats transported their navy commandos from Gaza to the occupied territories during the initial phase of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood on Saturday. The statement explained that these special forces successfully conducted a beach landing to the south of Askalan, where they gained control of multiple areas. These fighters engaged and confronted their targets, resulting in significant losses for the enemy. Some of these fighters continued to engage with occupation forces for over 30 hours since the operation commenced, as mentioned in the statement.

Palestinian Ministry of Health Reports 370 Martyrs and 2,200 Injured in Israeli Airstrikes

The Palestinian Health Ministry has reported that the toll of casualties resulting from Israeli airstrikes in the Gaza Strip on Sunday has risen to 370, with around 2,200 individuals sustaining injuries. In a statement, the health ministry provided an update, stating, “According to the data as of 4:15 p.m. local time [13:15 GMT], 370 citizens were martyred and 2,200 were injured in various degrees.”

Egyptian Policeman Shoots Israeli Tourists in Alexandria

On Sunday, local media reported that two Israelis were killed, and another was wounded by a police officer in Egypt, amid Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, which the Palestinian Resistance had initiated on Saturday against the Israeli occupation. The police officer fired “at random” using “his personal weapon” at an Israeli tour group visiting the Amud el-Sawari area, in Alexandria, northern Egypt, the state-affiliated private television Extra News reported, quoting a security source. The Egyptian police officer was immediately arrested, and it was confirmed that an Egyptian guide lost his life in the process. The Israeli occupation Foreign Ministry confirmed deaths in a statement, saying, “This morning during a visit of Israeli tourists in Alexandria, Egypt, a local opened fire at them, murdering two Israeli citizens.” The statement also noted the presence of a wounded Israeli in moderate condition.

Saada Prepared for Any Military Developments Against ‘Israel’

On Sunday, the city of Saada in Yemen witnessed a massive public rally in solidarity with Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, initiated by the Palestinian Resistance against the Israeli occupation on Saturday. During the rally, the crowd prominently displayed both Yemeni and Palestinian flags, along with banners and slogans that underlined the unwavering support of the Yemeni people for their Palestinian counterparts. They expressed solidarity with the Palestinian people’s courageous resistance in the face of the Israeli occupation’s arrogance and crimes. The statement released during the Saada rally affirmed its wholehearted endorsement of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, emphasizing that this operation represents a battle of utmost significance for the entire nation and all free people around the world. It symbolizes a time of reckoning for the humiliation of Israel. Furthermore, the statement declared readiness to adapt to any military or field developments necessary in the face of the Israeli enemy. It granted full authority to Ansar Allah leader Sayyed Abdul Malik al-Houthi to make strategic decisions for confronting the enemy at any time and in any location.

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