Israeli Occupation Kills Over 100 Scholars and Academics

The Government Media Office publishes a list of over 100 names of scholars, academics, university professors, and researchers who were killed by the Israeli army during the genocide war against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.

The Israeli occupation army has managed to kill and assassinate over 100 scholars, academics, university professors, and researchers during the ongoing genocide war on the Gaza Strip for the eighth consecutive month. This act is a clear message aimed at completely eradicating scholars and researchers in the educational sector. Alongside this, the occupation has completely destroyed over 103 universities and schools, in addition to partially destroying 311 universities and schools.

We strongly condemn the assassination of scholars, academics, university professors, and researchers by the occupation. This group is distinguished within the Palestinian society in the Gaza Strip. We call on all universities and educational sectors worldwide to denounce this crime, which is part of the genocide crime.

We hold the Israeli occupation and the American administration fully responsible for this historic crime. The occupation kills and assassinates scholars, and the American administration is involved in the continuation of this genocide, contributing to a war that has claimed over 120,000 victims, including martyrs, wounded, missing, and detainees.

We also call on all free countries of the world and related educational organizations to condemn this historic crime and to exert pressure on the occupation to stop the genocide war against students, schools, universities, scholars, professors, and researchers, as well as the entire educational process.

Below is a list of over 100 names of scholars, academics, university professors, and researchers who were killed and assassinated by the Israeli occupation during the genocide war in the Gaza Strip:

1. Dr. Sufian Tayeh – President of the Islamic University in Gaza

2. Dr. Said Al-Zubda – President of the University College of Applied Sciences

3. Dr. Taysir Ibrahim – Dean of the Faculty of Sharia and Law at the Islamic University

4. Dr. Ibrahim Al-Astal – Dean of the Faculty of Education at the Islamic University

5. Dr. Muhammad Eid Shubair – Former President of the Islamic University

6. Dr. Mahmoud Abu Daf – Professor of Educational Principles at the Islamic University

7. Dr. Khetam Al-Waseifi – Professor of Physics at the Islamic University

8. Dr. Omar Farwana – Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Medicine, Islamic University

9. Dr. Osama Al-Muzaini – Former Palestinian Minister of Education

10. Dr. Ahmed Abu Absa – Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at Palestine University

11. Dr. Ahmed Al-Dalu – Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at Palestine University

12. Dr. Adham Hassouna – Lecturer at the Faculty of Islamic Studies in Palestinian universities

13. Dr. Ahmed Al-Qara – Information Technology Lecturer and University Academic

14. Dr. Nesma Abu Shaaira – Professor of Fine Arts at Al-Aqsa University

15. Dr. Abdul Nasser Al-Saqqa – Professor of Geography at Al-Aqsa University

16. Dr. Nidal Qadoura – Professor of Biology at Al-Aqsa University

17. Dr. Wissam Issa – Professor of Geography at Al-Aqsa University

18. Dr. Fadel Abu Hin – Professor of Psychology at Al-Aqsa University

19. Dr. Jihad Al-Masri – Director of Al-Quds Open University

20. Dr. Nihad Al-Rafat – Professor of Hebrew Language at Al-Azhar University

21. Dr. Refaat Alareer – Professor of English at the Islamic University

22. Dr. Amin Al-Bahtiti – Professor of Dentistry at Al-Azhar University

23. Dr. Islam Habboush – Professor of Modern History in Palestinian universities

24. Dr. Medhat Saidam – Professor of Burn Surgery and one of Gaza’s prominent surgeons

25. Dr. Naeem Baroud – Dean of the Faculty of Arts at the Islamic University

26. Dr. Azzu Afaneh – Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Education at the Islamic University

27. Dr. Salem Abu Mokhda – Professor of Comparative Islamic Jurisprudence at the Islamic University

28. Dr. Muhammad Bekheet – Professor of Creed and Contemporary Doctrines at the Islamic University

29. Dr. Tarek Thabet – Professor of Information Technology at the University College

30. Dr. Shahir Yaghi – Professor of Psychology at the Islamic University

31. Dr. Rafat Lubbad – Professor of Internal Medicine at Gaza’s universities

32. Dr. Khalil Abu Yahya – Lecturer at the Islamic University of Gaza

33. Dr. Wael Al-Zard – Professor of Hadith and lecturer at several Palestinian universities

34. Dr. Maisara Al-Rayyes – Distinguished physician with a master’s degree in Women’s Health

35. Dr. Sirin Al-Attar – Obstetrician and Gynecologist

36. Dr. Ismail Abu Saada – Academic Development Consultant and Business Administration Lecturer

37. Dr. Khaled Al-Ramlawi – PhD holder in Engineering from Izmir, Turkey

38. Dr. Talal Said Al-Dahshan – Professor of International Law and Expert in Gazan universities

39. Dr. Raed Qaddoura – Professor of English and PhD holder from Malaysia

40. Dr. Muhammad Abu Zour – Professor of Fundamentals of Religion at the Islamic University of Gaza

41. Dr. Yousef Jumaa Salama – Former Palestinian Minister of Awqaf and Religious Affairs

42. Dr. Moamen Shweideh – Lecturer and Supervisor of Postgraduate Studies at the Islamic University

43. Dr. Walid Al-Amoudi – Professor of Fundamentals of Religion at the Islamic University in Gaza

44. Dr. Jamilah Al-Shanti – Former Minister of Women’s Affairs in the Palestinian Government

45. Dr. Ali Taysir Al-Rantisi – Lecturer and Professor at the Islamic University

46. Dr. Hassan Al-Radeea – Researcher, Writer, and Lecturer in the Economic Field

47. Dr. Ayman Al-Rafati – Researcher and Lecturer in Political Science

48. Dr. Mahmoud Al-Louh – One of Gaza’s prominent electrical engineers at the Electricity Distribution Company

49. Dr. Majd Al-Haj – Lecturer at the Islamic University

50. Dr. Somaia Abu Aoun – Lecturer at the College of Palestine and Assistant Lecturer at Palestine University

51. Dr. Anas Al-Bursh – Lecturer at the Faculty of Law at Palestine University

52. Dr. Ramez Al-Aidi – Professor of Law at Al-Awda College

53. Dr. Rahaf Abu Saeed – Lecturer at the Islamic University

54. Dr. Bassam Shahin – Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Intermediate Studies at Al-Azhar University

55. Dr. Hossam Hamada – Director of the Pathology Department at Al-Shifa Medical Complex

56. Dr. Rula Fadl Abdul Jawad – Professor of Multimedia at several universities

57. Dr. Abdul Karim Hashash – Palestinian Writer and Researcher

58. Dr. Marwan Tarzi – Director of the Continuing Education Center at Birzeit University

59. Dr. Sharif Al-Asali – Lecturer at the Faculty of Education at the Islamic University

60. Dr. Muhammad Hassouna – Professor of Technology at the University College

61. Dr. Yasser Radwan – Lecturer at Palestine Technical College

62. Dr. Hazem Al-Jamali – Professor of Public Law at the Faculty of Law at Gaza University

63. Dr. Nasser Al-Yafawi – Writer, Researcher, Historian, and University Professor at several universities

64. Dr. Muhammad Abdul Ghafoor – Professor of Hadith at the Faculty of Islamic Da’wah in Gaza

65. Dr. Amin Dabour – Professor of Political Science at the Islamic University of Gaza

66. Dr. Yahya Ghaben – Lecturer at the Faculty of Arts at Al-Aqsa University

67. Dr. Nasser Abu Al-Noor – Dean of the Faculty of Nursing at the Islamic University in Gaza

68. Dr. Rizq Al-Gharabli – Professor of Jurisprudence at the University of the People

69. Dr. Anisa Qandil – Supervisor of Arabic Language at the Palestinian Ministry of Education

70. Dr. Muhammad Hamad – Lecturer at Al-Aqsa University

71. Dr. Muhammad Adwan – Professor and Expert in Endoscopy and Medicine

72. Dr. Nidal Qadoura – Professor and Lecturer of Medical Sciences at Al-Aqsa University

73. Dr. Nahidd Abdul Latif – Professor of Medical Sciences at Al-Aqsa University

74. Dr. Wissam Abu Musa – Professor of Sports, Volleyball Coach, and Trainer of the Palestinian National Team

75. Dr. Saeed Al-Khorshid – Professor and Expert in Optometry

76. Dr. Ismail Al-Ghamri – Professor and Lecturer at the Islamic University

77. Dr. Muhammad Abu Amara – Dean of the Faculty of Law at Al-Azhar University

78. Dr. Salah Al-Din Zannon – Professor and Lecturer at the Arab College of Applied Sciences

79. Dr. Taha Al-Shanti – Professor and Lecturer of Medical Sciences at Al-Aqsa University

80. Dr. Muhammad Abdul Hadi Nasar – Researcher in the Social and Economic Field

81. Dr. Muhammad Faiz Al-Najjar – PhD holder in Engineering from Izmir University

82. Dr. Medhat Mohesen – Director of Al-Wafa Hospital for the Elderly in Al-Zahraa City

83. Dr. Adnan Ahmed Al-Bursh – Professor at the Faculty of Medicine at the Islamic University in Gaza

84. Dr. Khaled Al-Najjar – Academic Researcher and Lecturer

85. Dr. Jihad Al-Baz – Academic Researcher and Lecturer

86. Dr. Jihad Al-Masri – Academic Researcher and Lecturer

87. Dr. Muhammad Nassar – Academic Researcher and Lecturer

88. Dr. Hossam Abu Anza – Academic Researcher and Lecturer

89. Dr. Shihada Al-Bahbani – Academic Researcher and Lecturer

90. Dr. Ziad Al-Tatari – Academic Researcher and Lecturer

91. Dr. Ahmed Al-Shaer – Academic Researcher and Lecturer

92. Dr. Ibrahim Khayal – Academic Researcher and Lecturer

93. Dr. Khalil Al-Nakhala – Academic Researcher and Lecturer

94. Dr. Dua Al-Masri – Academic Researcher and Lecturer

95. Dr. Muhammad Awad – Academic Researcher and Lecturer

96. Dr. Muhammad Al-Nabahen – Academic Researcher and Lecturer

97. Dr. Ibrahim Abu Salah – Academic Researcher and Lecturer

98. Dr. Ali Al-Qarinawi – Academic Researcher and Lecturer

99. Dr. Ibrahim Saidam – Academic Researcher and Lecturer

100. Dr. Muhammad Asaad – Academic Researcher and Lecturer

101. Dr. Nadaa Afaneh – Academic Researcher and Lecturer

102. Dr. Seddiq Nassar – Academic Researcher and Lecturer

103. Dr. Ahmed Abu Saada – Academic Researcher and Lecturer

104. Dr. Muhammad Al-Zaaneen – Academic Researcher and Lecturer

Government Media Office

Thursday, May 16, 2024

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